英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-25 00:34:24



英 [rest]

美 [rɛst]



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名词: wrester 过去式: wrested 过去分词: wrested 现在分词: wresting 第三人称单数: wrests

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释


1. obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically

e.g. wrest the knife from his hands
wrest a meaning from the old text
wrest power from the old government

1. (尤指艰难或非法地)攫取,抢夺
If you wrest something from someone else, you take it from them, especially when this is difficult or illegal.


e.g. For the past year he has been trying to wrest control from the central government...
e.g. The men had returned to wrest back power.

2. 抢,夺(物品)
If you wrest something from someone who is holding it, you take it from them by pulling or twisting it violently.


e.g. He wrested the suitcase from the chauffeur...
e.g. He was attacked by a security man who tried to wrest away a gas cartridge.

1. wrest的意思

1. 扭打:Rest休息 wrest扭打 等我休息好了之后再继续扭打吧. 调皮的男孩一下课休息就开始扭打 为(W)什么休息(rest)好后就要扭打(wrest)啊

2. wrest什么意思

2. 拧:wrench 扳手 | wrest 拧 | wrestle in prayer 热忱祈祷

3. 扭:wrench 螺旋钳 | wrest 扭 | wrestle 摔角

4. 夺取:wroth 激怒的,非常愤怒的 | wrest 夺取 | wispy 纤细的,脆弱的

  • 经典引文

  • The heliotrope flower..wrests its neck in turning after the warm sun.

Until now, many peasants have to work hard to wrest a living from the soil.(迄今为止,仍有许多农民在地里辛苦劳作,靠土地谋生。)
He was attacked by a security man who tried to wrest away a gas cartridge.(一名保安袭击了他,那保安想抢走一个气罐。)
Wrest all weakly defended cities from the enemy. Wait until conditions mature and then capture powerfully defended cities.(夺取一切敌人守备薄弱的城市,待条件成熟后再夺取守备强固的城市。)
Fortunately, new lab facilities dedicated to the study of clouds will soon wrest that field from poets, the geophysicists argue.(地球物理学家说:幸运的是,新建的云科学实验室设施,即将从诗人手中夺回这一领域。)
You wrest my words out of their real meaning.(你曲解了我话里的真正含义。)
Please wrest the water faucet back after turning off it. Thanks for supporting!(请将水龙头关好之后往回拧一下。谢谢配合!)
To wriggle is to wrest about like a worm.(蠕动就是像虫子一样扭来扭去。)
It is not known at this time whether you will be able to wrest control of a city from someone of a similar alignment.(现在还不知道同一阵营里,您是否能够夺取城市的控制权。)
Wrest the trident out of her hand.(把它手里的三叉戟夺过来。)
Too poor to invest in power-looms, they are too divided, and perhaps naive, to wrest greater control of their market from exploitative middlemen.(他们太穷,买不起机动织机;他们太势单力薄,也许也太天真,根本不可能从那些抽筋剥皮的掮客手中争夺到市场。)
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