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更新时间:2024-06-04 01:18:50


Wednesday 星期三;

  • 单语例句

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1. Hundreds of couples in Guangzhou each year flock to wed on the day, which in the lunar calender falls on December 21 or 22.

2. The actress - who wed husband Ashton Kutcher in 2005 - says she feels great about herself because her actor spouse loves her so much.

3. As relatives and friends of a newly wed couple, it is fine to chip in with some help.

4. She says people who wed later have more difficulty adjusting to married life " because both partners are much more set in their ways ".

5. At that time it was considered customary for friendly families to arrange for their children to wed one another.

6. The man's first wife said they were wed 22 years ago but did so according to local customs and did not get a marriage certificate.

7. The singer has been dating the film producer since splitting from Murphy last year and confesses she is ready to wed for a second time.

8. Li was said to have been distraught when she heard that Wang had wed Zhang on the day he had promised to marry her.

9. Yang's first wife Du Zhili died in 2003 and Weng wed her first husband shortly after graduation from college and got divorced soon afterwards.

10. Seventeen yearold beauty Wan Rong was wed to him as the last empress in China's history.

1. That in a matter of hours wed change the way we were going.

2. This is the third marriage for Cage. In April of 1995 he wed actress Patrica Arquette.

3. Sayako and her groom, Yoshiki Kuroda, 40, were wed in the presence of close relatives including the emperor and empress.

4. Thirdly, the paper studies the important role of strategic requirements of WED in the constructing process of weapons and equipments system; the paper also aims at the realistic limitations in strategic requirements analyzing for weapons and equipments development, and points out some improved measures.

5. I often wondered what the other mothers thought of me――taking my work clothes to the hospital, showering in the parents stall after a long night in which wed heard the cries of all our children.

6. Though brides continued to wed in gowns of different colors, white was now set as the color of choice for weddings and has continued ever since.

7. It is said that the functi on of No.1 gene is correlative with memor y. After the No.2 antisense was injected, BALB/c strain experimental group sho wed obvious decrease in numbers of step-across and standing-up in open field behavi or test compared with control groups.

8. It was the second marriage for both of them. Yang's first wife Du Zhili died in 2003 and Weng wed her first husband shortly after graduation from college and got divorced soon afterwards.

9. Let's have the wed.

10. Wed.

10. Now let us invite the newly wed couple to cut the wedding cake.
现在 让我们请这对新人切结婚蛋糕。

11. A:I thought once that wed let a customer down by not responding quickly enough to resolve a problem; our production capacity wasnt sufficient to deliver the customers complete order during the holiday season.

12. A:i thought once that wed let a customer down by not responding quickly enough to resolve a problem; our production capacity wasnt sufficient to deliver the customers complete order during the holiday season. that customer ended up asking for a discount, and i thought we should have offered the discount first, without waiting to be asked. the sense of goodwill would have been stronger.

13. But Rhys Ifans seems likely to have the last laugh because psychologists reckon that happier marriages result from attractive women who wed uglier men.

14. Wed.的意思

14. Think of it as a referral service for Wed sites and pages.

15. I remember being a newly-wed. We hardly ever got out of bed.

16. Wed.是什么意思

16. Newly-wed Wife:: I will. Thank you.

17. Wed.的意思

17. A newly-wed might be able to set up a house exchange to keep some money on their honeymoon.

18. The Tennessee team tested 82 newly-wed couples for facial attractiveness and the quality of their marriage.


19. A friend shared the following video with me; it is a wedding gift for a newly-wed couple.

20. Wed.

20. I'll start the pIans, for tomorrow we wed!

In 2006, two years after he was wounded, Ty wed his hometown sweetheart, Renee Kline, to whom he had proposed between his two deployments to Iraq.(2006年,受伤两年后,泰与家乡的心上人---芮妮。克莱恩缔结连理,在被派往伊拉克期间他曾两度向她求婚。)
Sayako is the youngest child of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko and the last of their three children to wed.(纪宫公主是明仁天皇和皇后美智子最小的孩子,也是他们三个孩子中最后结婚的一个。)
She will wed her daughter to a rich man.(她准备把女儿嫁给有钱人。)
The mom revealed she wants her daughter to wed fellow Aussie actor Russell Crowe's son Tennyson.(这位当妈的透露她希望他们家闺女能同罗素·克劳家的公子泰尼森结婚。)
In his red ear then she whispered, "Why'd I wed you?"(她向他通红的耳朵轻语,我为何要下嫁于你?)
His parents have been married for 65 years, and his wife's parents wed 55 years ago.(他的父母已结婚65年,而他妻子的父母已结婚55年。)
All of the village women prepare food and the entire village either mourns or congratulates the newly-wed couple.(村里的妇女大多为此准备了食品,整个的村民都来参加哀悼死者,或来庆贺新婚的夫妇。)
According to John, the presumed author of Revelation, it's not poets who get to wed their songs to the soft voice streams.(据《启示录》的假定作者约翰说,并不是诗人将他们的歌曲与柔和的音流相结合。)
Then wed have some idea of what youll be needing.(那我们会心中有数,知道你们需要什么了。)
People magazine reports that the two were wed in a secret ceremony last night, and have already shipped off on their honeymoon!(《人物》杂志报道,他们昨晚在一个秘密典礼中完成了婚礼,现在已经离开去度蜜月啦。)
Wed.是什么意思 Wed.在线翻译 Wed.什么意思 Wed.的意思 Wed.的翻译 Wed.的解释 Wed.的发音 Wed.的同义词