英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 12:49:03


英 [ˌæbnɪˈgeɪʃn]

美 [ˌæbnɪˈɡeʃən]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others

Synonym: self-abnegationdenialself-denialself-renunciation

2. the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief

e.g. abnegation of the Holy Trinity

1. 放弃:abnegate 放弃 | abnegation 放弃 | abnormal psychology 变态心理学

2. 克己,自制:ablution (宗教的)净礼,沐浴 | abnegation 克己,自制 | abnormal 不正常的;变态的

3. abnegation的翻译

3. 放棄;自我克制;否認:11. abominate 厭惡,痛恨 | 12. abnegation 放棄;自我克制;否認 | 13. abjure 發誓棄絕;公開放棄(意見、信仰、權利、國籍等)

4. 否认;拒绝;抛弃:abnegate 否认;拒绝;抛弃 | abnegation 否认;拒绝;抛弃 | abnormal 不规则的;不正常的;反常的

  • 经典引文

  • Abnegation of Christe.

    出自:J. Knox
  • Abnegation of the opinion imputed to the heretics.

  • A vast degeneration, a major abnegation of any regard for the quality of human life.

    出自:M. Bradbury
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Only spontaneous love flowing with sincere generosity and self-abnegation can fertilize the soul of others.(唯有自发爱,富有真挚的宽容与自我克制的爱才能够丰富他人的灵魂。)
Said his father, his rugged face shining in the ardour of self - abnegation.(他的父亲问,在他满是皱纹的脸上,闪耀着自我克制的热情。)
The hermits' fierce self-abnegation, their holy self-emptying seemed to her thrilling.(隐士们强烈的自我克制和他们神圣的自我倾空都令她振奋。)
The idea of the culture abnegation Marcuse brought up is not only the criticism to current tool's rationality, but also the change in the concept of phoniness Marx raised.(马尔库塞提出的“文化大拒绝”的“左”口号,不只是对当代工具合理性的批判,其要害在于他改变了马克思“虚假意识”概念的科学内涵。)
The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation.(修院表现的是极端的自私,而结果是极端的克己。)
And, withal, a life of privation, isolation, abnegation chastity, with never a diversion.(同时,他一生刻苦、独居克己、制欲,从来不曾娱乐过。)
It's hard to ignore the fact that all these tools are at root about imposing limits and narrowing options-in other words, about a voluntary abnegation of freedom.(一个不容忽视的事实是,所有这些工具在根本上还都是强加限制和减少可做的选择——换言之就是主动舍弃部分自由。)
What is more, for those people with self-abnegation, those disadvantages cann 't be a problem.(另外,对那些有自制力的人来说,这些弊病没多大问题。)
She claimed to abhor the road, wanted to abolish it, and would give a verbal abnegation.(她声称厌恶筑路,想要废止筑路,而且愿意口头否认。)
But in other troubled European economies, abnegation is less evident.(但是在其它陷入困境的欧洲国家却鲜有自我克制的案例。)
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