英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 13:04:28
  • 双语例句

1. In recent years, the application of resistance genes diversity to rice disease control has become one of the highlights in agro-scientific research in the world.

With the economic increase and scientific development, the competition among agro-machinery enterprises has been becoming increasingly heated.(实施逆向物流管理是我国农机企业应对日趋严格的环保要求、提高企业竞争力的有效手段。)
But how to protect and display in the ancient ruins the premise of site restoration and imitation built in recent years the protection of cultural relics agro-scientific research work.(但如何在保护和展示古遗址的前提下将遗址复原和仿建成了近些年文保工作的研究热点之一。)
agro-scientific是什么意思 agro-scientific在线翻译 agro-scientific什么意思 agro-scientific的意思 agro-scientific的翻译 agro-scientific的解释 agro-scientific的发音 agro-scientific的同义词