英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 13:38:32


英 [əˈkɪmbəʊ]

美 [əˈkɪmboʊ]



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  • 叉着腰的
  • 两手叉腰的
  • 两手叉腰地
  • 叉着腰地


1. with hands on hips and elbows extending outward

e.g. she stood there akimbo

1. 双手叉腰
If you stand arms akimbo or with arms akimbo, you stand with your hands on your hips and your elbows pointing outwards.

1. 两手叉腰的:akene 瘦果 | akimbo 两手叉腰的 | akin 同族的

2. 两手叉腰:紧握拳 clench | 两手叉腰 akimbo | 蹲 crouching

3. 两手叉腰的 两手叉腰:akimbo span || 肘间距 | akimbo || 两手叉腰的 两手叉腰 | akimycin || 秋霉素


4. 兩手插腰:05.SUNSHIP/陽光之船 | 06.AKIMBO/兩手插腰 | 07.UNCHAINED MELODY/奔放的旋律

  • 临近词

The mistress stood with arms akimbo while she talked to her new servant.(女主人双手叉腰站著对他的新仆人说话。)
802the FAN: (Folded akimbo against her waist) is me her was you dreamed before? Was then she him you us since knew? Am all them and the same now we?(802扇子:(阖拢,斜顶着腰肢)你原先梦想过的她,就是我吗?那么,她和他是在你跟咱们相识之后吗?我现在是所有的女人,又是同一个女人吗?)
Content Abstract: on the African game preserve where his father works, Akimbo devises a dangerous plan to capture a ring of elephant poachers.(内容简介:在父亲工作的地方——非洲野生动物保护区,阿金波想出了一个相当危险的方法,以夺得偷象者手中的戒指。)
The basket being large and heavy, Car had placed it for convenience of porterage on the top of her head, where it rode on in jeopardized balance as she walked with arms akimbo.(篮子又大又重,卡尔为了走路方便些,就把篮子放在头顶上顶着,当她两手叉腰走路的时候,篮子就在她的头顶上危险地摇晃着。)
The way it runs – pumping its back legs akimbo, has earned it the name "bicycle lizard."(它逃跑的方式–把后腿向后弯曲,所以被人称为“自行车蜥蜴”。)
Lurch eastward and westward like being drunk, dance without cease before the lamp. All movements in compliance with rhythms, with gesture of backhands akimbo like the crescent moon.(醉却东倾又西倒,双靴柔弱满灯前。环行急蹴皆应节,反手叉腰如却月。)
As follows: legs open, shoulder width, arms akimbo.(方法如下:两脚开立,与肩同宽,双手叉腰。)
He was still deep in sleep, legs kicking akimbo as he raced across a field after an imaginary cat.(它依然熟睡,双脚抵腰,好像在追逐着瞌睡猫。)
Other competitors like Akimbo brought similar boxes to market-and failed.(其他竞争对手如akimbo公司把类似的盒子带到市场上,失败了。)
They were sprawled, all legs and arms akimbo across their seats, absorbed in their cellphones or speaking quietly in small knots.(他们在座位上摊手摊脚,有些全神贯注地在玩手机,有些几个人一起轻声谈话。)
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