英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 12:57:45



英 [eɪl]

美 [el]



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  • 麦芽酒
  • 麦芽酒节,乡下啤酒节
  • 浓啤酒,啤酒,麦芽啤酒,淡色啤酒,黄啤(酒)


1. a general name for beer made with a top fermenting yeast
in some of the United States an ale is (by law) a brew of more than 4% alcohol by volume

1. 麦芽酒(一种酒精含量较高的啤酒)
Ale is a kind of strong beer.

e.g. ...our selection of ales and spirits.

1. 淡色啤酒:淡色啤酒(Ale)是一种在不列颠群岛非常流行的啤酒,种类有Mild,Bitter,Pale ale,Porter和Stout等. 这种啤酒有较浓的香味和较多的酒精含量,如谷物的香味和发酵的香味. 它们含有较少的二氧化碳气体,在比窖藏啤酒更高的温度下发酵并饮用.

2. 爱尔啤酒:酵母 (yeast)大体有两类:一类叫上层发酵酵母(top-fermentation yeast),用于高温发酵(华氏70度),产生的啤酒叫爱尔啤酒(ale). 另一类是底层发酵酵母(bottom-fermentation yeast),用于低温发酵(华氏40度),产生的啤酒叫窖藏啤酒(lager).

3. 啤酒:在尤拉克大陆上有几种基本资源,它们分别是金子、水晶(Crystals)、啤酒(Ale)、名声(Fa me)、追随者(Follower)等. 金子、水晶和啤酒是用来训练和雇佣部队并维持部队日常开销的. 水晶还可用来恢复部队的生命值,游戏中如果有人在战斗中负了伤,

4. ale:aritrary lagrangian eulerian; 欧拉

5. ale:arbitrary lagrangian-eulerian; 任意拉格朗日欧拉

6. ale

6. ale:automation link establishment; 自动链路建立

7. ale:annualized loss expectancy; 年度损失期望

P.M. Stop for a beer at the Bronx Ale House, 216 West 238th Street, (718) 601-0204.(下午4点,停下来在布朗克斯浓啤酒屋来点儿啤酒。216号大街。)
And Spanish ale shall give you hope.(而西班牙的麦芽酒会给你希望。)
Business objects for ALE that the enterprise service discovery wizard creates represent IDocs.(企业服务发现向导创建的ALE业务对象表示IDoc。)
Compliance with standards from EPCglobal, such as ALE-enabling filtering and aggregation.(符合EPCglobal标准,比如支持ALE筛选和聚合。)
The old man fully enjoyed cakes and ale.(这位老人充分享用了蛋糕和啤酒。)
I finished my ale and had to wait a couple of minutes before I could get another bottle.(我喝光了自己的那瓶麦酒,还得等上几分钟,才能再要上一瓶。)
Application Link Enabling (ALE).(应用程序链接支持(ale)。)
Celebrants demanded food ale and COINS from their neighbors and mocked those who wouldn't comply.(参加庆典的人向他们的邻居索要食物,麦芽啤酒和钱,并对那些小气的人大加揶揄。)
Complete the following steps to implement ALE solution at design time.(完成下面的步骤,在设计时实现ALE解决方案。)
But he discovered that the flavor of the resulting ale was unique, and not in a bad way.(但他发现这种麦芽酒的味道不仅独一无二,而且并不坏。)
ale是什么意思 ale在线翻译 ale什么意思 ale的意思 ale的翻译 ale的解释 ale的发音 ale的同义词