英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 13:11:14


英 [ˈæmbjələtəri]

美 [ˈæmbjələtɔ:ri]



副词: ambulatorily 名词复数: ambulatories

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a covered walkway (as in a cloister)

e.g. it has an ambulatory and seven chapels


1. able to walk about

e.g. the patient is ambulatory

Synonym: ambulant

2. relating to or adapted for walking

e.g. an ambulatory corridor


1. 回廊:朝圣唱诗班席(PILGRIMAGE CHOIR) 在罗马式教堂中,这部分由后堂(APSE)、回廊(AMBULATORY)和放射式小教堂(RADIATING CHAPELS)组成(图384、423). 城邦(CITY-STATE) 由一个城市及周围乡郊土地构成的政治自治单元. 城堡主塔(DONJON)见主塔楼(KEEP).

2. ambulatory的翻译

2. 能走动的,非卧床的,门诊的:ambulant clinic 门诊部 | ambulatory 能走动的,非卧床的,门诊的 | ambulatory ECG 门诊病人心电图监测

3. 步行的:ambulacrum 管足 | ambulatory 步行的 | ambulatory funnel 漏斗

4. 走动的:ambulation 移动 | ambulatory 走动的 | ambuscade 埋伏

  • 经典引文

  • Their ambulatory life.

    出自:Jeremy Taylor
  • The tabernacle was an ambulatory temple.

    出自:W. Burkitt
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

  • ambulant[医](病人)可走动的...
What is the appropriate fasting time before ambulatory surgery that necessitates an anesthetic?(门诊手术麻醉合适的禁食时间是多少?)
All of the subjects first underwent 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.(起初,所有的研究对象都进行了24小时便携式血压检测。)
Are there any patients who should never have surgery on an ambulatory basis?(哪些病人一定不能在门诊进行手术?)
England is now studying ambulatory errors.(英国目前正研究非卧床错误。)
Note: outpatient rehabilitation includes day hospital, outpatient ambulatory care and home-based rehabilitation.(注意:门诊康复包括日托医院、门诊流动护理和家庭康复。)
Is anxiolytic premedication advisable before ambulatory surgery, and what agents are appropriate?(门诊手术前建议给抗焦虑药吗?哪些药物合适呢?)
They had their blood pressure taken at the clinic and via an ambulatory monitoring system.(研究者通过在诊所内测量及用一个可移动的监测装置来测量这些青少年的血压。)
The business scenario - ambulatory care process.(业务场景——门诊流程。)
Setting: the study was conducted at two ambulatory clinics in southern Italy, an area of mild iodine deficiency.(设置:此项研究是在意大利南部两个门诊进行,这是一个轻度碘缺乏地区。)
Studies of the Relations Between Symptoms and Ambulatory Electrocardiography in the Patients With Atiral Fibrillation.(心房颤动患者临床症状与动态心电变化的关系探讨。)
ambulatory是什么意思 ambulatory在线翻译 ambulatory什么意思 ambulatory的意思 ambulatory的翻译 ambulatory的解释 ambulatory的发音 ambulatory的同义词