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更新时间:2024-05-27 13:50:39



英 [eɪˈɔ:tə]

美 [eɪˈɔ:rtə]


形容词: aortal 名词复数: aortas

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1. the large trunk artery that carries blood from the left ventricle of the heart to branch arteries

1. 主动脉
The aorta is the main artery through which blood leaves your heart before it flows through the rest of your body.

1. 主动脉:2.主动脉(aorta)是体循环的动脉主干,起于左心室,向右前上方上升,以后向左后方呈弓形弯曲,到第4胸椎平面,沿脊柱左侧下降,穿过膈的主动脉裂孔,在腹后壁继续下降,至第4腰椎而分成左、右二髂总动脉.

2. 大动脉:(一)大动脉(aorta)是背血管前段粗细一致,没有心门的部分. 位于头内的部分称为头大动脉,前端开口于头腔;位于胸内的部分称为胸大动脉,后端一般终止于腹部第1节内,并于心脏的第1心室连通. 大动脉通常是一条简单的直管,


3. 动脉:(2)动脉类型压力曲线:包括主动脉(Aorta)、外周动脉(peripheral artery)和肺动脉(PA). 心输出量(CO)表示心脏每分钟可排出多少升的血液,CO可以根据氧消耗量和混合静脉血的氧含量,用Fick氏法计算,也可以用染料稀释法测量,

4. 织脉:anxiety 忧虑 | aorta 织脉 | aortal 织脉的

She will need to have an echocardiogram repeated in the first, second and third trimesters to monitor the size of her aorta.(她将需要有一个反复超声心动图,在第一次,第二次和第三次晚期监测的大小,她主动脉。)
This finding can be seen in coarctation of the aorta.(主要见于主动脉缩窄。)
It's vital that Marfan's be diagnosed as soon as possible, as the condition is commonly associated with weakness of the wall of the aorta.(马凡氏综合症要尽早发现,这至关重要,因为该病通常与主动脉的血管壁薄弱有关。)
Right-sided refers to the position of the arch compared with the trachea, not to the position of the descending aorta.(所谓右位,主要是与气管相比较的右侧,而非在降主动脉的右侧。)
A rupture of the aorta is likely to be fatal.(主动脉的破裂可能是致命的。)
In the control group, animals experienced surgery but the aorta was not occluded.(在对照组,动物经历手术,但是主动脉不予蔽塞。)
Case 14 In this case, both vessels have antegrade flow, but now the pulmonary artery is larger then the aorta (Figure 19).(病例14。本例中,两大血管血流方向正常,但是肺动脉较主动脉弓粗(图19)。)
Objective:To study the effect of hypercholesterolemia on the function of aorta.(目的:研究血胆固醇持续增高对主动脉功能的影响。)
The measuring values of TEE and TTE to inner diameter of ascending aorta were similar(P>0.05).(TEE和TTE对升主动脉内径的测值无显著性差异(P>0.05);)
The blood can dissect up or down the aorta.(血液可沿主动脉向上或向下剥离动脉。)
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