英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 13:51:04



英 [əˈplɒm]

美 [əˈplɑ:m]


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1. great coolness and composure under strain

e.g. keep your cool

Synonym: assurednesscoolpoisesang-froid

1. 沉着;镇定;从容不迫;泰然自若
If you do something with aplomb, you do it with confidence in a relaxed way.

e.g. The whole cast executed the production with truly professional aplomb.

1. 镇静,沉着:14. provisionally 暂时的,临时的 | 15. aplomb 镇静,沉着 | 16. restraint 抑制,克制,谨慎

2. 沉着:aplite 半花岗岩 | aplomb 沉着 | apnea 窒息


3. 沉着,镇静:limb 肢,臂,翼;树枝 | aplomb 沉着,镇静 | hecatomb 大屠杀,百牛大祭

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Slater isn't the only disgruntled employee to quit with aplomb this week.(Slater并不是本周唯一的华丽丽地辞职的人。)
It handled everything I threw at it with aplomb, and never crashed.(它总是沉着冷静地处理我交给它的一切任务,从未死机。)
All these things that were thrown at him, he handled it with aplomb.(别人向他提的哪些问题他都会沉着应对。)
So that wasn't the case of being filled with aplomb or anything. I just think today was a bad day for me.(所以失利并不意味着我过于自信了,只是今天我不太走运罢了。)
Julia Roberts acquits herself with some aplomb using art history (as Robin Williams once used poetry) to widen the girls' horizons.(茱莉·亚罗拔丝充满自信,以美术史(罗宾·威廉斯则以诗)扩阔女孩们的视野。)
So far they're handling the daylight circus with the same aplomb they displayed in their shadowy tomb.(到目前为止,他们用同他们在阴暗的地下相同的在沉着经营着日光马戏团。)
The first-mr Cameron's closeness to executives from that paper's parent company, News international-was handled with aplomb.(第一个丑闻——卡梅伦与该报的母公司国际新闻的高层人物过从甚密——处理得可谓沉着。)
These agents' motives and behaviors can be fine-tuned to mess things up with the same aplomb as a real employee.(这些代理的动机和行为可以微调的与真实雇员一样沉着冷静地把事情搞砸。)
Steven Slater isn't the only disgruntled employee to quit with aplomb this week.(史蒂芬·斯莱特不是这周唯一一个因对公司不满而沉着冷静地辞职的雇员。)
This Pippa did with aplomb, setting a standard to which others should aspire.(这位皮帕女士淡定地完成了任务,并树立了可供他人追求的标准。)
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