英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:01:08


英 [ˈkɔ:təraɪz]

美 ['kɔ:təraɪz]


名词: cauterization 过去式: cauterized 过去分词: cauterized 现在分词: cauterizing 第三人称单数: cauterizes

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1. make insensitive or callous
deaden feelings or morals

Synonym: callouscauterise

2. burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent

e.g. The surgeon cauterized the wart

Synonym: cauteriseburn

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 cauterise

1. (用高温或化学物质)烙,烧灼(伤口)
If a doctor cauterizes a wound, he or she burns it with heat or with a chemical in order to close it up and prevent it from becoming infected.

e.g. He cauterized the wound with a piece of red-hot iron.

1. cauterize

1. 烧灼:cauterization 烧灼 | cauterize 烧灼 | cautery 烧灼

2. 烧烤 熏烤:caution小心 谨慎 | cauterize烧烤 熏烤 | caut-词根 火

3. cauterize的翻译

3. 使麻木不仁:cauterizationcauterizecauterysizzle 烧灼 | cauterize 使麻木不仁 | cauterize

4. 灸:cauterize 使麻木不仁 | cauterize 灸 | cautery 烧灼物

  • 经典引文

  • Custom soon cauterizes human sympathy.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Objective To study CO2 laser treat various dermatopathic curative effect, operation after reaction, side effect. Methods Application CO2 laser cutting, cauterize, clotting treat various dermatopathy.(目的探讨CO2激光治疗各皮肤病的疗效、术后反应、副作用方法应用CO2激光光刀切割、烧灼、凝固治疗各种皮肤病。)
Cauterize damage taken increased from 10 to 15.(烧灼伤口技能所造成的伤害从10增加到15。)
Next dissect between it and the posterolateral corner of the joint capsule; ligate or cauterize the lateral superior genicular arterial branches located in this area.(接着,在腓肌外侧头和关节囊后外侧角之间解剖,结扎或电凝位于此区内的膝外上动脉的分支。)
Laser beams may cauterize and heal ulcers.(激光束可以烧灼和愈合溃疡。)
Method 27 patients with bronchus benign and malign tumor had airway obstruction and were cauterized with high frequency knife cauterize incision through electric bronchoscope.(方法对27例良恶性大气道肿瘤所致的气道阻塞病人,通过电子支气管镜下进行高频电刀烧灼切割术,观察病人的耐受性和并发症的发生率。)
They kind of cauterize them and the roots die.(就好像腐蚀根群然后使之死亡。)
cauterize是什么意思 cauterize在线翻译 cauterize什么意思 cauterize的意思 cauterize的翻译 cauterize的解释 cauterize的发音 cauterize的同义词