英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:01:17



英 [ˌkævəˈlɪə(r)]

美 [ˌkævəˈlɪr]



副词: cavalierly

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释


1. a gallant or courtly gentleman

Synonym: chevalier


1. given to haughty disregard of others

Synonym: high-handed

1. 轻慢的;不在乎的;掉以轻心的
If you describe a person or their behaviour as cavalier, you are criticizing them because you think that they do not consider other people's feelings or take account of the seriousness of a situation.


e.g. The Editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking.

1. cavalier的意思

1. 武士:areanForest中Navan城堡的EldrichParson5、武士任务(转职任务)略困难完成:将位于BarrowDown西北的HauntedMassion中所有的不死生物全部消灭得到的奖励:所有骑士转职为武士(Cavalier),其他人转职为荣誉武士6、黑骑士任务(转职任务,

2. 豪侠:然后把帕尔森的羽毛笔(Parson's Quill)带回来给西拉丝(Norbert Thrush)5、豪侠(Cavalier)任务(转职任务) 任务出处:埃拉西亚北方民宅奥格府邸将位于拜尔德斯西北的鬼屋(Haunted Massion)中所有的不死生物全部消灭,

  • 经典引文

  • This cavalier tone from an unknown person..did not please me.

  • Nancy's amiability with the French differed from her cavalier treatment of the American soldiers.

    出自:H. Acton
I'm annoyed at your cavalier treatment of him.(你用这种傲慢的态度对待他,我感到气恼。)
Protostomia and Deuterostomia are in the classification of Cavalier-Smith.(原口病和后口病属于克利夫兰-史密斯分类。)
The script is pretty cavalier about handling errors, choosing to die at every opportunity.(脚本在处理错误方面有些随意,在任何可能的情况下都会选择die。)
The risk of sadness may deter us from being too cavalier in relationships or with other things we value, for example.(举例来说,在某段关系或者其他一些我们看重的事情里面,悲伤的风险令我们不再那么英勇无畏。)
Combat is a very hard game, I think people are being awfully cavalier about this restriction being lifted.(战斗是一场非常艰苦的较量,我认为人们对这个限制被解除感到漫不经心。)
The risk of sadness may deter us from being too impetuous or cavalier, especially in relationships or with other things we value.(由于存在忧伤这一危险,我们不得不尽量避免使自己过于鲁莽或漫不经心,特别是在感情或者其他我们比较重视的事情上。)
But generally the industry adopted a rather cavalier attitude to click fraud.(但通常业界对点击欺诈都采取了有点轻视的态度。)
Cavalier! How I wish you were here.(我的骑士。真的希望你在这里。)
Their election pledges to be tough on crime often translate into cavalier, or unjust, treatment for individual defendants.(这经常被理解为对个人的被告的怠慢和不公平。)
People were often irritated by his cavalier attitude toward them.(人们常常被他目空一切的态度弄得恼火。)
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