英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:13:53


英 [ˌsɜ:kəmləˈkju:ʃn]

美 [ˌsɜ:rkəmləˈkju:ʃn]


形容词: circumlocutory 副词: circumlocutorily

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1. an indirect way of expressing something

Synonym: indirect expression

2. a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things

Synonym: periphrasisambage

1. 婉转曲折的表达法;迂回表达
A circumlocution is a way of saying or writing something using more words than are necessary instead of being clear and direct.

e.g. It was always when you most wanted a direct answer that Greenfield came up with a circumlocution.

1. circumlocution是什么意思

1. 婉转曲折的说法:benignant 仁慈,亲切的 | circumlocution 婉转曲折的说法 | circumscribe 限制,立界限

2. circumlocution的近义词

2. 迂回操作:circumference 圆周 | circumlocution 迂回操作 | circumnutation 回旋转头运动

3. 婉转的说法:circumlittoral 沿海的 | circumlocution 婉转的说法 | circumlocutory 委婉曲折的

4. 说话绕圈的:circumference圆周的 | circumlocution说话绕圈的 | circumvent 绕行v

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It was always when you most wanted a direct answer that Greenfield came up with a circumlocution.(总是在你最想得到一个直截了当的回答时,格林菲尔德却要绕上十八个弯。)
Good writers differ from poor writers in the use of strategies of adjusting or approximating the message, using circumlocution or synonym, discussing feelings with others, and empathizing with others.(好的写作者比差的写作者更多的使用调整或回避策略、使用迂回或同义词策略、以及与人同感策略。但差生比好生更多地使用与别人谈论感受策略。)
This sort of ritual circumlocution is common to many parts of mathematics.(这种繁冗的遁辞常见于数学的许多部分分式中。)
With typical circumlocution, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia recently said as much.(沙特的阿卜杜拉国王最近也同样语意婉转说了不少。)
The musical beauty, moreover, is shown by the aesthetics of equilibrium, complication, cadence and of circumlocution.(文学语言的音乐美又表现为回环美、抑扬美、均衡美和错综美。)
It is shown by the aesthetics of equilibrium, complication, cadence and of circumlocution.(文学语言的韵律美主要表现为均衡美、回环美、抑扬美、错综美。)
One apt word can be much clearer than a flurry of circumlocution.(比起一连串迂回的解释,一个准确恰当的单词更能清楚地表达意思。)
The correct defence of athanasius is surely not that he avoided a lie by ingenious circumlocution but that the circumstances justified lying.(亚大纳西的回答之所以正确,显然不在于他以巧妙的迂回辞令避免了撒谎,而是特定环境下说谎并不为过。)
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