英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:33:51


英 [kən'dəʊl]

美 [kənˈdol]


形容词: condolatory 名词: condoler 过去式: condoled 过去分词: condoled 现在分词: condoling 第三人称单数: condoles

  • 英英释义

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1. express one's sympathetic grief, on the occasion of someone's death

e.g. You must condole the widow

1. condole

1. 慰问:于是宋太宗马上召见开封府尹,命他带上衣食和木炭替自己去慰问(condole)那些穷人们. 开封府尹马上准备好衣服、粮食和木炭,带上自己的所有随从,挨家挨户发放. 只要是家里有困难的,没米没衣服的就给他们送去米和衣服;

2. 同情,慰问:condescend 屈尊 | condole 同情,慰问 | condone 宽恕,原谅

3. condole的意思

3. 宽恕:concussive grenade振荡手榴弹 | condole宽恕 | convict证明......有罪,宣判......有罪

4. condole什么意思

4. 吊唁,慰问:coffin棺材 | condole吊唁,慰问 | condolence吊唁,慰问

  • 经典引文

  • For my Sinnes fore Heauen I do condole.

    出自:R. Tofte
  • 临近词

Our products cover: condole top cooling fan, refrigeration units, seafood machine, refrigeration compressor, chillers, slice ice machine, condenser, etc.(产品覆盖:吊顶冷风机、制冷机组、海鲜机、制冷压缩机、冷水机、片冰机、冷凝器等。)
Profile of PVC condole top is empty, both sides is between honeycomb shape is enclosed sheet, has the processing molding tongue-and-groove and convex great.(PVC吊顶型材是中间为蜂巢状空洞、两边为封闭式的板材,有加工成型的企口和凸棒。)
The one horn of the study, inclined condole of a TV is in housetop, it is below result put symphonious noise, they were brought for nervous at ordinary times job a few relaxed.(书房的一角,一台电视斜吊在屋顶,下面是功放和音响,它们为平时紧张的工作带来了一些轻松。)
Or help me to condole the barren ancient city?(还是助我吊这荒凉的古城?)
Automatic production line according to the structure can be divided into condole fish type, embossed type, gantry three, press lines form can be divided into two and the ring was.(自动生产线按结构可分为吊鱼式、压板式、龙门式三种,按线体形式可分成直线式和环形两种。)
Girls pan head, not wearing a tiara, no makeup, wear condole belt gym suit, soft shoes; Boys wearing black pants, white conjoined ku bar training suit, soft shoes.(女生盘头、不戴头饰、不化妆,穿吊带体操服、舞蹈软鞋;男生穿黑色练功短裤、白色连体挎栏训练服、舞蹈软鞋。)
We condole with him on [up on] his loss.(我们对他的损失深表同情。)
We condole with you on your misfortune.(我们对您的不幸表示慰问。)
I should never presume to condole with Mr. Ralph; we're not on those terms.(我知道拉尔夫先生是不需要我的安慰的,我们没有那种关系。)
Installation seat type, type suction a top and condole type and so on many kinds of installation, adapt to different job site lighting needs.(安装方式座式、吸顶式和吊顶式等多种安装方式,适应不同工作现场的照明需要。)
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