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更新时间:2024-05-27 15:36:49



英 [kəˈnaɪv]

美 [kəˈnaɪv]


名词: conniver 过去式: connived 过去分词: connived 现在分词: conniving 第三人称单数: connives

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1. form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner

Synonym: schemeintrigue

2. encourage or assent to illegally or criminally

1. 串通;密谋
If one person connives with another to do something, they secretly try to achieve something which will benefit both of them.

e.g. He accused ministers of conniving with foreign companies to tear up employment rights...
e.g. Senior politicians connived to ensure that he was not released.

2. 纵容;默许;共谋
If you say that someone connives at something or connives in something, you are critical of them because they allow or help it to happen even though they know that it is wrong and that they ought to prevent it.

e.g. He suspected elements within the South African government were conniving at the disturbances to try to weaken the ANC...
e.g. To buy things cheaply from a poor country is to connive in its poverty.

1. 默许:共同踹他为悔恨(contrite),共同带来为协商(confer),共同坚定为 确认(confirm),共同发现易搞混(confound),共同做过为宽恕(condone),共同夹死为拥挤 (congest),共同给予为默许(connive) 大街上下雨为拉紧(strain),

2. connive的意思

2. 默许,纵容:kongruo 适合,一致 congruence | konivi 默许,纵容 connive | konjekti 推测 conjecture

3. 默许,共谋:conjure 变魔术,变戏法 | connive 默许,共谋 | connivance 共谋,纵容

4. 假装不见/默许/共谋/纵容:connivance /默许/纵容/假装不见/ | connive /假装不见/默许/共谋/纵容/ | connive at /视而不见/默许/纵容/

  • 经典引文

  • The government thought it expedient occasionally to connive at the violation of this rule.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
But if you connive this kind of lazy situation exists, even addicted to laziness, then crisis will with the students, in addition to its own degradation, but also to have the opportunity to enemy.(但若纵容这种怠惰的情况存在,甚至沉溺于怠惰,则危机必伴之而生,除了本身的退化之外,也给外敌有可乘之机。)
Someone will break the rules and, as often as not, someone else will have reason to connive with them.(总有人会破坏规矩并且,通常而言,总有人有理由和他们相互勾结。)
She was obliged to connive at her husband's infidelity.(她不得不默许丈夫对她的不忠。)
God cannot alter the past; that is why he is obliged to connive at the existence of historian.(神不能改变过去;惟其如是,他就不能不对历史家的存在一只眼开一只眼闭了。)
The prisoners paid the guards to connive at their escape.(囚犯们贿赂看守,使看守默许他们越狱。)
to beat or connive at others to beat a prisoner;(殴打或者纵容他人殴打罪犯;)
God cannot alter the past; that is why he is obliged to connive at the existence of historians.(上帝不能改变历史,这就是他为什么被迫对历史学家的存在睁一只眼闭一只眼了。)
This was not fellowship, but forcing to connive with what they had already decided to do.(这个不是“交通”乃是强迫别人纵容他们所已经决定要做的。)
It is even less acceptable to have employers connive in hiring individuals who they have good reason to believe are .(资质造假本已是非常严重,更不能接受的是管理人员默许并聘用这些造假者。)
In such a market, businesses have to be evil, or, at least, connive at such practices for their survival.(在这样一个市场,企业不得不成为恶魔,或者至少为了生存密谋一个此类的行为。)
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