英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:54:45


英 [ˈkrɒtʃɪt]

美 [ˈkrɑ:tʃɪt]



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1. a small tool or hooklike implement

2. a strange attitude or habit

Synonym: oddityqueernessquirkquirkiness

3. a musical note having the time value of a quarter of a whole note

Synonym: quarter note

4. a sharp curve or crook
a shape resembling a hook

Synonym: hook

1. 四分音符
A crotchet is a musical note that has a time value equal to two quavers.

in AM, use 美国英语用 quarter note


1. 四分音符:clarinet 竖笛,单簧管(黑管) | crotchet 四分音符 | crotchet rest 四分休止符

2. 产钩,取胎钩:cross section 横切面,横断面 | crotchet 产钩,取胎钩 | crwn 冠,牙冠

3. 小钩:crotched 成分叉的 | crotchet 小钩 | crotcheteer 怪人

4. 怪癖:crossing of experimental factors 实验因素交叉 | crotchet 怪癖 | crotcheteer 有怪癖者

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France's diminished cultural profile would be just another interesting national crotchet - like Italy's low birthrate, or Russia's fondness for vodka - if France weren't France.(若法国不是法国,其文化形象的下降,就像意大利的出生率和俄国对伏特加的偏好一样,又会是另一种有趣的国家怪象。)
These are small naughty will be want as an omnipotent and big hero, you you their strange think the crotchet , all of their funny problems resolve good.(这些小淘气会把你当成一个无所不能的大英雄,你要把他们的奇思怪想,他们的无厘头问题全部解决好。)
Quaver crotchet and minim are three of the different length of notes in writing music.(八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。)
A quarter note or crotchet followed by a dot is equivalent in duration to three 8th notes or quavers.(四分音符加一个符点等于三个八分音符。)
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