英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 16:05:36


英 [ˌdi:ˈklæsɪfaɪ]

美 [diˈklæsəˌfaɪ]


形容词: declassifiable 名词: declassification 过去式: declassified 过去分词: declassified 现在分词: declassifying 第三人称单数: declassifies

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1. lift the restriction on and make available again

e.g. reclassify the documents

1. 撤销(秘密文件或档案)的密级;对…解密
If secret documents or records are declassified, it is officially stated that they are no longer secret.


e.g. These reports were only declassified last year.

1. 不机密:declassification 从机密表删除 | declassify 不机密 | declension 格变化

2. declassify是什么意思

2. 不再当机密文件处理/从机密表删除:declassification /不再当机密文件处理/从机密表删除/ | declassify /不再当机密文件处理/从机密表删除/ | declension /词尾变化/格变化/倾斜/衰退/

3. 撤销保密:declamation 高声说话,高调 | declassify 撤销保密 | declination 倾斜,衰微

4. 销密:宣布速率 declared speed | 销密 declassify | 防御性电子反制措施 DECM

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To determine, change or declassify a state secret of an organ or entity, the handling person shall put forward a specific proposal subject to the examination and approval of the state secret decider.(机关、单位确定、变更和解除本机关、本单位的国家秘密,应当由承办人提出具体意见,经定密责任人审核批准。)
The essay analyses the structure of financial account system on the net, put forward the course of encipher and declassify in the data transmission course.(文中分析了网上资金结算系统的结构,提出了数据传输过程中加密和解密的流程。)
DES declassified document source code, can declassify any type of any size document.(DES解密文件源代码,可以解密任何类型的任何大小的文件。)
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