英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 16:10:31


英 [dɪˈmentɪd]

美 [dɪˈmɛntɪd]


副词: dementedly 名词: dementedness

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1. affected with madness or insanity

e.g. a man who had gone mad

Synonym: brainsickcrazydisturbedmadsickunbalancedunhinged

1. 精神错乱的;(尤指)患早老性痴呆的
Someone who is demented has a severe mental illness, especially Alzheimer's disease.

e.g. At what point does it become necessary to place a demented person in a nursing home?

2. 古怪的;愚蠢的;疯狂的
If you describe someone as demented, you think that their actions are strange, foolish, or uncontrolled.

e.g. He had been granted his own TV show by some demented executive...
e.g. Sid broke into demented laughter.

1. 失去本性的, 发狂的, 精神错乱的:demented 失去本性的, 发狂的, 精神错乱的 | mediography (有关某一特定主题的)视听资料目录 | subsurface wave 亚表面波 界面波, 内波

2. demented的近义词

2. 痴呆的:dement 使发疯 | demented 痴呆的 | dementia 痴呆

3. 发狂的:dementation 发狂 | demented 发狂的 | dementi 正式否认

4. 瘋癲程式:區別點 demarcation point | 瘋癲程式 demented | 非軍事區 de-militarised zone,DMZ

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

If someone has multiple strokes at the same time, that person has a strong risk of becoming demented in the first month.(如果某人同时多次中风,在随后的那个月内,出现痴呆症状的风险非常高。)
The leader of one of the other federations called it "demented".(有一位联合会的领导人表示“这简直是疯了”。)
What demented schemes will you devise? What corrupt conquests will you attempt? Which cakes will you eat (but, you know, really evilly)?(你有没有制定什么疯狂的计划?你征服的目标是什么?你会吃什么味道的蛋糕(伙计,你真的认为这很邪恶吗)?)
As his imagination faltered and grew dim, the fending off of maturity became desperate, demented and pointless.(随着他想象力的衰退贫乏,对成熟的抵抗逃避就变得愈发绝望地不惜一切、疯狂、毫无目标。)
Are we demented? Or am I disturbed?(我们疯了吗?还是我不正常?)
Anyone who knows me also knows that I am a bit of a "character." My sense of humor is one of a warped and demented nature.(认识我的人都知道我小小也算个“角儿',有一种不入流的幽默感。”)
Nursing a demented person is an all-consuming task.(护理一个精神错乱的人是一项非常耗力的任务。)
They believe that the spirits of the dead will anyway drive the LRA commanders demented.(他们相信死者的灵魂将至少会使上帝抵抗军的指挥官们精神不得安宁。)
When I was about 10, she made me promise that I would kill her if ever she became either disabled or demented.(大约在我十岁的时候,她让我保证,如果她残废了或痴呆了,我一定要杀了她。)
If you can grow new neurons, you might be able to rewire demented brains.(如果病人能够长出新的神经元,那么就有可能给痴呆的大脑更换设施。)
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