英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 16:29:59


英 [dɪ'stenʃn]

美 [dɪˈstɛnʃən]


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1. the act of expanding by pressure from within

Synonym: distention

2. the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions

Synonym: dilatationdistention

1. (身体的)肿胀,肿大
Distension is abnormal swelling in a person's or animal's body.

1. 膨胀(作用),扩张:distant thermometer 遥测温度计 | distension 膨胀(作用),扩张 | distillate cooler 蒸馏冷却器

2. 膨胀:distensibility 膨胀性 | distension 膨胀 | distil 蒸馏;滴下;提取...的精华

3. 扩张,膨胀:external genitalia 外生殖器 | distension 扩张,膨胀 | patency 开放,未闭

4. 胀:麻 numbness | 胀 distension | 重 heaviness

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The simplified diagnostic criteria were characterized the co-existence of yellow and greasy tongue fur and fullness or distension or pain in the stomach.(简化诊断标准为:同时具备舌苔黄腻和胃脘痞满或胀或痛,即可诊断。)
Emphysema (pulmonary emphysema):Abnormal distension of the lungs with air, usually associated with cigarette smoking and chronic bronchitis.(肺气肿:一种病理状态,肺脏充气过度而产生的异常扩张,通常和抽烟、慢性支气管炎有关。)
Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, or some feeling of numbness and distension.(针刺只有轻微的疼痛,或产生一些麻和胀的感觉。)
Conclusions Foot soak and foot massage after abdominal operation can effectively prevent abdominal distension and improve the recovery of intestinal functions.(结论采用足浴联合足部按摩能有效地促进术后肠功能的恢复,预防术后腹胀的发生。)
The calender frames are provided with stiffening ribs and distension treatment granting the maximum rigidity together with the absence of distortions and vibrations.(压延机框架带有加强肋,并经过膨胀处理,从而赋予最佳的刚性,防止发生扭曲和振动。)
Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension.(针刺只有轻微疼痛,它产生一定的麻和胀感。)
Objective To discuss the effect of the early integrated care intervention on distension caused by the thoracolumbar fractures.(目的探讨早期综合护理干预对胸腰椎骨折后腹胀的效果。)
So the demand of myocardium to oxygen increase mainly depends on coronary distension.(故心肌对氧需求增加主要依赖冠脉扩张。)
Conclusions The paste of ferment flour therapy had significant curative effect on postpartum breast distension due to non-fluent lacteal output.(结论发酵面外敷疗法对产后排乳不畅所致乳胀有明显疗效。)
Orthopedics surgery patient is encircling the surgery time as a result of the many kinds of factors influence, often appears phenomenon and so on distension of the abdomen, constipation.(骨科手术患者在围手术期由于多种因素的影响,常出现腹胀、便秘等现象。)
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