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更新时间:2024-05-27 17:06:08


英 [eθˈnɒlədʒi]

美 [eθˈnɑ:lədʒi]


形容词: ethnologic 副词: ethnologically 名词: ethnologist

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  • 人种学
  • 民族学
  • 人类文化学
  • 社会人类学



1. the branch of anthropology that deals with the division of humankind into races and with their origins and distribution and distinctive characteristics

1. ethnology在线翻译

1. 人类文化学:Communication 信息学 | Ethnology 人类文化学 | History 历史学

  • 临近词

LI Hui (2002) Relation between Typology and Phylogenesis of Ethnic Genetic System. Proceeding for the 7th National Symposium of Ethnology. Enshi, July, 2002.(李辉(2002)民族遗传系统的类型学与发生学关系。第七届全国民族学学术研讨会,2002年7月,湖北恩施。)
The community research of Ethnology pays close attention to the function of culture and people's life in community.(民族学的社区研究十分关注社区中文化的作用和人们在其中的生活。)
In chapter 3, we will discuss three problems in Museum of Ethnology and how to solve these problems from the "Harmony in Diversity" point of view.(第三章以“和而不同”的文化观念,针对当今中国的民族博物馆存在的三个方面的关系问题,来谈谈中国的民族博物馆怎样加强建设。)
The introduction of the concept of ethnic group has greatly broadened the research scope of anthropology and ethnology in China.(族群概念的引入和使用,极大地拓展了中国人类学、民族学研究的空间。)
The paper is trying to analyze and recognize the worship to great stones in ancient Shu Kingdom with knowledge of ethnology and folklore.(本文试图从民族学、民俗学的角度对古蜀先民的大石崇拜现象进行考察认识。)
In 2005 Ethnology of IES was endowed with the title of Provincial Elite Specialty.(2005年,民族学专业被认定为自治区精品专业。)
The dissertation will use the theory and method of Ethnology and Anthropology to analyze the character of Mongolian costume culture.(本文运用民族学、人类学的理论与方法,研究蒙古族服饰文化的特点。)
Ethnology has been variously defined in different national traditions.(由于不同的民族传统,民族学有着各种不同的定义。)
In China, visual ethnology is a new branch of ethnology, and there is no agreement on its academic name.(影视民族学在我国还是一门新兴的分支学科,在学科名称上还不统一。)
Population has always been an indispensable part of study of ethnology.(人口问题研究历来是民族学研究不可或缺的组成部分。)
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