英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 17:49:57



英 ['ɡʌlɪ]

美 [ˈɡʌli]



名词复数: gullies 过去式: gullied 过去分词: gullied 现在分词: gullying 第三人称单数: gullies

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  • 沟壑
  • 沟渠
  • 冲沟
  • 溪谷
  • 水沟
  • 大刀
  • 深沟
  • 阴沟
  • 涧谷
  • 【建】集水沟
  • 雨水口
  • 檐槽
  • 【板】后方右侧场地
  • 山沟
  • 小峡谷
  • 排水沟
  • 水流冲成(沟渠)
  • 在…开沟
  • 在…上冲出沟
  • 冲刷
  • 冲沟



1. deep ditch cut by running water (especially after a prolonged downpour)

1. 隘谷;溪谷;冲沟
A gully is a long narrow valley with steep sides.

e.g. The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully.

1. 冲沟:河道里一年绝大部分时间都是无水的,也可以把它看成冲沟(gully)或干涸河(wash,arroyo、coulee或wadi). 甚至即使在有水时,也是往下越流越少,河床里堆积了很多泥沙. 因为这种河流从暴发洪水到完全干涸各种情况都有,所以流量变化特别大.

2. 宽沟壑:Gripped 害怕得撒不开手了. | Gully 宽沟壑. | Gumbie 无经验或新的攀登者.

3. 陡峭的岩沟:冰瀑区 Ice fall | 陡峭的岩沟 Gully | 明裂缝 Crevasse

The Fruit Gully got its name just because of the wild berries all over the mountain slopes.(这果子沟本来就是以满山的野果而得名的。)
Gully and slope land in towns are relatively difficult to develop and protect.(城镇内部冲沟坡地是开发和保护难度都较大的区域。)
Near the road on the left there is a gully and if the plane rolled several more meters…(路的左边不远,有一条沟,如果当时飞机往前多开几米......)
Liang result for the northern Loess gully region.(北部为黄土梁峁沟壑区。)
The Chasma is bordered by high-walled cliffs, most likely faults, that show spur-and-gully morphology and smooth sections.(峡谷以高壁悬崖为界,而且极有可能是断层,用来分隔突岩沟壑的地貌形态和相对平滑的部分。)
Han Jia, why did you take me to this mountain gully?(韩佳,你怎么把我带到山沟里来了?)
The resulting overload on the lower furrow could cause it to overtop and begin a chain reaction that would likely produce a gully.(在较浅的沟道里,如果流量过大就可能使沟水漫溢,并引起连锁反应,从而产生冲沟。)
In summer, the stream from the gully flows into the Baikal.(夏天,溪水从山谷流进贝加尔湖。)
Almost every team chose to follow a gully that led to a dead end, and this is where most rovers either broke down or lost communications.(几乎每支队都选择沿着大裂缝搜寻,结果被带进了死胡同。大多数探测器要么摔残了,要么失去了联系。)
Waterfall Gully was also the site of Burnside's "first secondary industry".(瀑布峡谷同时也是伯恩赛德的“第一第二产业”地。)
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