英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 18:28:02



英 [ɪnˈkɑ:nət]

美 [ɪnˈkɑ:rnət]

v.体现;使 ... 具体化


名词: incarnator 过去式: incarnated 过去分词: incarnated 现在分词: incarnating 第三人称单数: incarnates

  • 词典解释

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The adjective is pronounced /ɪn'kɑːnɪt/. The verb is pronounced /'ɪnkɑːneɪt/. 形容词读作 /ɪn'kɑːnɪt/,动词读作 /'ɪnkɑːneɪt/。

1. 化身的;典型的
If you say that someone is a quality incarnate, you mean that they represent that quality or are typical of it in an extreme form.

e.g. She is evil incarnate...
e.g. He is cynicism incarnate.

2. (神灵)现身的,显形的
You use incarnate to say that something, especially a god or spirit, is represented in human form.

e.g. Why should God become incarnate as a male?...
e.g. The pharaoh is Osiris, the moon bull incarnate.

3. 表现;典型体现
If you say that a quality is incarnated in a person, you mean that they represent that quality or are typical of it in an extreme form.

e.g. The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man.
e.g. ...a writer who incarnates the changing consciousness of the Americas.

4. 化身为;显形为
If you say that someone or something is incarnated in a particular form, you mean that they appear on earth in that form.

e.g. The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king.

1. 体现:意识化身体现(incarnate)进入已显化的向度,也就是说,变成了形相.当它这么做的 时候,它进入了一个梦境般的状态.智性仍然存在,但是意识无法觉知到它自己了.它在形 相中迷失了自己,进而与形相认同.这也可以描述为神性被贬为物性.在宇宙进化的阶段,

2. 化身:这些本来源头选择分成2条路径进化 : 天使(Angelic) 与 化身(Incarnate) . 创立者在与这90个超灵群协调后 ,45个化身为第9维度的Lucifer Line 的爬虫族 ,45个化身为第9维度的Amelius Line 的人类族游戏参与者(Players) ,并开始了这场游戏.

3. incarnate

3. 使具体化,使化身:incarcerate 监禁,下狱 | incarnate 使具体化,使化身 | incense 使发怒

4. incarnate

4. 体现, 使具体化, 使成化身:cognate 同词源的,同类的 | incarnate 体现, 使具体化, 使成化身 | reincarnate 使化身;使转生

  • 经典引文

  • Whether there be a devil incarnate in you or no.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • Phrases such as 'how are you'..or 'dear one' were mockery incarnate.

    出自:E. O
  • The ennobling qualities incarnated in some hero..meet with admiring response.

    出自:E. Clodd
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

The villain was a fiend incarnate .(这个恶棍是恶魔的化身。)
You is a devil, and I for you, be your faithful messenger, from now on you are my faith, and I incarnate demons.(你是恶魔,而我为你倾倒,成为你虔诚的使者,从此你就是我的信仰,而我化身恶魔。)
I had read of such hideous incarnate demons.(我读过关于这类可怕的化身鬼怪的书。)
Why should God become incarnate as a male?(为什么上帝显身为男性呢?)
A house is not a plenty of materials making together, it will keeping our heart, will incarnate our dignity.(一座房子,不是一堆建筑材料的堆砌,她将承载我们的心灵,体现我们的尊严。)
If you imagine that you are a god incarnate, that is part of thought.(如果你想象你是神的降生,那是思想的一部分。)
She is evil incarnate.(她是邪恶的化身。)
The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.(那些警卫都是残暴的野兽,他们的首领是个魔鬼的化身。)
The Mother of Stars and Father of Life itself has aspects and fragments incarnate in human form upon your world!(星体之母与生命之父自身都有一些方面或片段以人类形态化身在你们世界上!)
Many in current human form incarnate this lifetime with dolphin-whale or nature souls.(在当前人类中,有很多人在此生是携带海豚鲸鱼或大自然的灵魂而投生的。)
incarnate是什么意思 incarnate在线翻译 incarnate什么意思 incarnate的意思 incarnate的翻译 incarnate的解释 incarnate的发音 incarnate的同义词