英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 18:29:20


英 [ɪnˌkɒnsɪˈkwenʃl]

美 [ɪnˌkɑ:nsɪˈkwenʃl]


副词: inconsequentially 名词: inconsequentiality

  • 英英释义

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1. lacking worth or importance

e.g. his work seems trivial and inconsequential
the quite inconsequent fellow was managed like a puppet

Synonym: inconsequent

2. not following logically as a consequence

1. 不重要的;微不足道的;细琐的
Something that is inconsequential is not important.

e.g. ...a constant reminder of just how insignificant and inconsequential their lives were...
e.g. Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes contain significant clues.

1. 无关紧要的;不合逻辑的:- revolutionary 创新的, 革命性的 | - inconsequential 无关紧要的;不合逻辑的 | - outdated 过时的

2. 不重要的事, 琐碎的事:sartorial 裁缝的, 缝纫的, [解]缝匠肌的 | inconsequential不重要的事, 琐碎的事 | providential 幸运的

3. inconsequential是什么意思

3. 不合逻辑的:incident wave 入射波 | inconsequential 不合逻辑的 | incorporated 合成一体的

4. 不合逻辑:congruent合适的 | inconsequential不合逻辑 | consequential因果的,重要的

  • 经典引文

  • I cannot let such gross mistakes and inconsequential reasonings pass.

    出自:O. Cromwell
  • The loose and inconsequential Reasoner..in his wild ramble may happen to light upon Truth.

    出自:J. Norris
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The relationships you're building today, even those that seem inconsequential, are worth attention and care.(你今天所建立的人际关系,即使是那些看起来无关紧要的人,都是值得你关注的。)
We talked about inconsequential things, usually; repairs that needed to be done around the apartment, items I needed to pick up at the store.(通常我们都谈一些似是而非的事情:房间哪些地方需要整修,提醒我要去商店采购的明细。)
I suppose one could look on William Osler and lament how inconsequential one's own life is; but I'd like to offer a more hopeful viewpoint.(我想,人们在感慨威廉·欧斯勒高高在上、遥不可及的同时,也会哀叹自己碌碌无为的一生吧。话已至此,我倒还想从更加激励人心的方面谈一下欧斯勒。)
On one occasion he called me at home and we had an inconsequential conversation.(有一次,他打电话到我家,然后我们胡乱的谈了一下。)
The choice of the reference temperature is inconsequential.(基准温度的选择是无关紧要的。)
On the face of it, these comments were both obvious and inconsequential.(从表面上看,这些言论说的都是明摆着的事,无足轻重。)
The price China pays is often dismissed as inconsequential: what are a few billion in the grand scheme of things?(中国开出的高额支票常又因漫天开价而拒收:区区几十亿,从大局来看算什么?)
Every designer has run into at least one dispute with a client, sometimes over the most minor and inconsequential of details.(每位设计者至少会与一个客户发生争执,有时是关于最小、最无关紧要的细节。)
How many times have you checked it today Yet, most of it is inconsistent, unimportant, or inconsequential.(今天你都已经查看多少次了,其实大部分新闻都是矛盾的、无关紧要或是不合逻辑的。)
An injury that might be inconsequential back home could prove fatal in the isolated Arctic with no one around to help.(一些在家中看似无足轻重的伤在这里都可能是致命的,因为没有任何人可以帮到你。)
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