英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 18:56:27



英 [ˈlɑ:də(r)]

美 [ˈlɑ:rdə(r)]



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  • 食品室,食品贮藏室,食品库
  • 贮藏食品
  • 食物橱柜
  • 藏肉所
  • 家中贮存的食品
  • 伙房



1. a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

Synonym: pantrybuttery

2. a supply of food especially for a household

1. 食物贮藏室;食品柜
A larder is a room or large cupboard in a house, usually near the kitchen, in which food is kept.

in AM, use 美国英语用 pantry

1. larder在线翻译

1. 食品柜:dining table 餐桌 | larder 食品柜 | drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子

2. larder的近义词

2. 肉贮藏处:lardaceous 猪油的 | larder 肉贮藏处 | Lardner 拉德纳

3. 食品库:head for出发 | larder食品库 | paralyse使麻痹


4. 食物储藏处:食物foodalimentchowcomestibleeatingeatsedibleingestamuckamucknutrimentpabulumprogscran | 食物储藏处larder | 食物的alimental

The example of the woodpile and the well-stocked larder tells us that we can achieve what we dream, and winter brings us long, silent nights to dream on.(柴堆和储备良好的食物表明我们可以美美睡上一觉了。而冬日带来的是宁静的漫漫长夜,正好入梦。)
The maid put all the things together on a plate and left it in the larder: then her sweetheart took his leave and she went to bed thinking all was well.(女佣把所有的东西放在一起放在盘子留在储藏室的:她的情人,她离开了他去睡觉一切都很好。)
So when the soldier had finished eating and the girl got up to clear away the dishes and lock the larder, she saw at once that the plate the landlord had given her to look after was empty.(因此,当士兵吃完,女孩起身扫清菜肴和锁定储藏室,她看到此声明,老板让她的盘子是空的照顾。)
Wow! There it was, hoofing the lino by the larder door.(哇!它在那里,蹄子踏在食品储藏室门前的漆布上。)
Here, even the songbird pinned its prey up on cactus spikes to dismember them and then left the corpses hanging in a macabre larder.(在这里,就连鸣鸟也会将猎物钉在仙人掌的刺上,并肢解啄食它们,然后让残尸挂在那骇人的食橱中。)
The neutral paint colours conceal solid timber drawer and carcase linings with full height walk-in larder and modern double fronted fridges concealed behind traditional featured joinery.(中性油漆的颜色掩盖实木抽屉,储物柜和现代双门冰箱都是传统特色的细木工的杰作。)
Can't you tell any larder stories?(你就不能讲讲食品柜里的故事吗?)
He said. First you make him dead, then you wish to rob his larder.(他说。一开始,你先把那个人给弄死了,这然后,你还想抢掠他的贮藏室。)
All we got was what we pinched out of the larder and then you used to go and tell tales to mother.(我们当时能得到的只不过是我们从储藏室偷拿的食品,而你常常去向妈妈告发我们。)
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