英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 20:29:02



英 [ˈpæntri]

美 [ˈpæntri]


名词复数: pantries

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  • 餐具室
  • 冷菜厨房
  • 食品储藏室
  • 配餐室
  • 食品储存室
  • 配膳室
  • 食品贮藏柜
  • 食品室
  • 储藏室
  • 备膳室


1. a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

Synonym: larderbuttery

1. (通常与厨房相连的)食品储藏室,食品储藏柜
A pantry is a small room or large cupboard in a house, usually near the kitchen, where food is kept.

1. 餐具室:7.点左边,点右边进餐具室(PANTRY),点右边的地窖门(THE CELLAR DOOR)上的密码挂锁(A COMBINATION PADLOCK),将数字调为1020,再点下锁,下楼梯,点上方偏右的电表箱,就来电了6.退出洗衣房,进入厨房(KITCHEN),冰箱旁边的台子上有一把菜刀(A CHEF'

2. 食品室:或者发神谕(oracle),男生戴手铐(manacle),债多会崩溃(debacle) 傲了猫头鹰(owl),思考才皱眉(scowl),怎样才咆哮(howl),生长变吼叫(growl) 苍白尝试是琐碎(paltry),全部尝试食品室(pantry),森林尝试是哨兵(sentry),

3. pantry的反义词

3. 餐车食品室:dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车 | pantry 餐车食品室 | carriage, coach, car 车厢


4. 配膳室:475 抗拍肋骨 panting frame | 476 配膳室 pantry | 477 部分遮盖甲板船 partial awning deck vessel

Last year, the pantry had a lottery in October to distribute 600 turkeys between almost 1,500 families.(去年十月,储藏室以奖品的形式给近1500个家庭分发了600只火鸡。)
One piece of whiteboard is located in every butler's pantry room.(每个管家的配膳间内都装有一块白板。)
Once a bird died on the sill and they spent the entire day in the pantry.(有一次,一只鸟死在了窗台上,他们整整一天都躲在厨房的储藏室里。)
A Gourmet Kitchen has everything a chef could desire as well a a view of the garden and wine cooler in the pantry.(美食厨房有厨师想要拥有的一切、花园美景和厨房的酒柜。)
Before I put the groceries away I really should reorganize the pantry so it won't be messy.(在我收拾生活杂物之前,我得把储藏室重新整理,不然会太凌乱了,因为储藏室还没有收拾,所以生活杂物也不能收拾了。)
She raids my pantry and hauls away all the canned goods to throw into the big box in her school hallway.(她“洗劫”了我的食品储藏室,把所有罐头都拿走,投进了学校走廊的一个大箱子里。)
Cured pork has long been a bedrock pantry item for rural Southern folk.(腌猪肉对于南部乡下人来说一直是食品存储室里一样必不可少的项目。)
Yes, there are a few flavorings included, but they're probably ones you have in your pantry already.(没错,里面有一些调味料,但大多在您的厨房里也都有。)
This fall, the weekly pantry is serving about 800 on average.(而今年秋天,每周平均服务了800个人。)
Ever wished you could be more organised with your pantry and shopping?(一直希望你可以更有组织性的处理你的聚会和购物?)
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