英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 19:01:15



英 [ˈlɪəri]

美 [ˈlɪri]


副词: leerily 比较级: leerier 最高级: leeriest 名词: leeriness

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1. openly distrustful and unwilling to confide

Synonym: mistrustfulsuspiciousuntrustingwary

1. 猜疑的;警觉的;有戒心的
If you are leery of something, you are cautious and suspicious about it and try to avoid it.


e.g. Executives say they are leery of the proposed system...
e.g. They were leery about investing in a company controlled by a single individual.

2. 不怀好意的;色迷迷的
If someone looks or smiles at you in a leery way, they look or smile at you in an unpleasant way, usually because they are sexually interested in you.

e.g. ...a leery grin.

1. 机敏的, 送秋波的, 狡猾的:xenon vapor lamp 氙气灯(即人工小太阳) | leery 机敏的, 送秋波的, 狡猾的 | stenochoric (动植物)分布不广的

2. leery是什么意思

2. 狡猾的,机警的:leer 送秋波, 斜视 | leery 狡猾的,机警的 | mogul 显要人物;有权势的人

3. leery是什么意思

3. 机敏的:leeringly 以斜眼看 | leery 机敏的 | lees 酒糟

4. 机警的,狡猾的:lease 租约,契约,租契 | leery 机警的,狡猾的 | letup 放松,停顿

  • 经典引文

  • If a hawk..plows into a snowbank, he will be leery of snow.

    出自:New Yorker
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I'm as leery of certain polls as anyone.(我和任何人一样对某些民意测验持怀疑态度。)
Yonder are the Misses Leery, who are looking out for the young officers of the Heavies...(那边是李瑞家的小姐们正在望眼欲穿地等待着重炮队里的年轻军官。)
Toyota has been leery of the attention, and often the criticism, that frequently come with being the biggest in such a high-profile industry.(在这个备受瞩目的领域里渐渐地变得强大的同时,丰田一直很谨慎,而且经常自我审视。)
When he went on vacation, the old boss was leery of putting his son in charge because the young man was temperamental and inexperienced.(休假的时候,上了年纪的老板对把职责交给儿子很不放心,因为这个年青人容易冲动,也缺乏经验。)
They were leery about investing in a company controlled by a single individual.(他们不太放心把资金投向一间由一人独自操控的公司。)
This heart hero helps ward off heart attacks in men and strokes inwomen, but experts have become more leery of its ability to causeserious stomach bleeding.(对预防男性心脏病发作和女性中风来说,阿司匹林无疑很有用,但专家们越来越怀疑它可能会引起胃出血。)
But people who might benefit from genetic tests are almost as leery.(但是那些可能会从基因检查中受益的人们对此几乎持同样的谨慎态度。)
But the recession has made many companies leery about hiring employees who may not be able to adapt to volatile market changes.(但经济衰退使许多公司对于雇用可能无法适应多变市场环境的员工持谨慎态度。)
You'd better go through all terms in the contract in leery before you sign it.(在签署合同之前,你最好把每一项条款过一遍。)
Despite the recent sprint in share prices, investors remain leery of the stock market.(尽管最近股价有所上扬,但投资者对股市仍应持瞥惕态度。)
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