英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 21:21:10



英 [pɒnˈtɪfɪkeɪt]

美 [pɑ:nˈtɪfɪkeɪt]



名词: pontification 过去式: pontificated 过去分词: pontificated 现在分词: pontificating 第三人称单数: pontificates

  • 英英释义

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1. the government of the Roman Catholic Church

Synonym: papacy



1. talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner

e.g. The new professor always pontificates

2. administer a pontifical office

The verb is pronounced /pɒn'tɪfɪkeɪt/. The noun is pronounced /pɒn'tɪfɪkət/. 动词读作 /pɒn'tɪfɪkeɪt/。名词读作 /pɒn'tɪfɪkət/。

1. 自负地谈论;武断地说话
If someone pontificates about something, they state their opinions as if they are the only correct ones and nobody could possibly argue against them.

e.g. Politicians like to pontificate about falling standards.

2. 教皇任期
The pontificate of a pope is the period of time during which he is pope.

e.g. Pope Formosus died after a pontificate of four and a half years.

1. 自大,武断地说:pompous傲慢的,自大的a | pontificate自大,武断地说,v | poseur装模作样的人

2. 教皇的职位;执行教皇职务:pontifical教皇的 | pontificate教皇的职位;执行教皇职务 | pope教皇

3. pontificate的意思

3. 执行教皇职务:执行官之职bailiwick | 执行教皇职务pontificate | 执行者executantperformer

  • 经典引文

  • In the closing years of the pontificate of Leo XIII.

    出自:A. N. Wilson
  • A didactic voice began pontificating about the ecology of the Po delta.

    出自:M. Dibdin
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

While a lot of folks may get corporate logo tattoos and/or pontificate about what such-and-such company did right or wrong, few of them will ever have any actual input.(虽然许多人可能用企业标志纹身及/或就公司如此这般的做法对或错发表武断的意见,但其中毕竟只有少数人会有任何实际的投入。)
Some are foisting video conferences on their people instead so that up to 100 individuals in far - flung places can now all watch each other while they pontificate.(有些公司强制要求员工使用视频会议,以便让分散各地的许多人——有时可达上百人——可以在发表意见时看到彼此。)
Pope Formosus died after a pontificate of four and a half years.(教皇福尔摩苏斯上任四年半后去世。)
Because the people who run the country, and the people who pontificate about the people who run the country, act like they have all the answers when, clearly, they don't.(也因为管理这个国家的那些人,以及教育管理国家的那些人的那些人,表现得好像他们有所有问题的答案,可实际上,很明显,没有。)
You may be in Davos this week, seeking reaffirmation of your deeply held beliefs when you pontificate about the future of the universe.(本周你可能身在达沃斯,对世界的未来发表高论,寻求让你坚信的信仰获得肯定。)
Quite logically, we get headlines that pontificate about yesterday’s news (Le Monde is an afternoon paper, oddly enough).(可以想象,我们看到的头条新闻是用权威的方式报道着昨天的新闻(足够奇怪的一点,《世界报》是一份晚报)。)
When the parliament's members next pontificate about the need for state intervention, they should pop next door to Wiertz's studio, and have a ponder.(当欧洲议会的成员要武断地说出国家介入的需要的时候,他们就会到隔壁的Wiertz画室内,静下来想个清楚。)
Monsignor Hugh OFlaherty, an Irish priest, was assigned to the Vatican under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII.(休主教奥弗莱厄蒂,爱尔兰神父,被分配到梵蒂冈教皇在教皇皮乌斯十二。)
People who pontificate are usually unholy bores.(以命令的口气说话的人通常都是邪恶的无赖。)
I notice that people really like to pontificate about exchange rates.(我也发现,人们十分喜欢讨论关于汇率的问题。)
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