英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 19:36:55



英 [ˈmælɪt]

美 [ˈmælɪt]



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1. a tool resembling a hammer but with a large head (usually wooden)
used to drive wedges or ram down paving stones or for crushing or beating or flattening or smoothing

Synonym: beetle

2. a light drumstick with a rounded head that is used to strike such percussion instruments as chimes, kettledrums, marimbas, glockenspiels, etc.

Synonym: hammer

3. a sports implement with a long handle and a head like a hammer
used in sports (polo or croquet) to hit a ball

1. 木锤
A mallet is a wooden hammer with a square head.


1. 木槌:鳄鱼将会从冰上趴出窗外虚拟游戏网 猫一眼就看见荆棘后的的红辣椒(pepper)和树上的坚果(nuts),猫的视力好www.xugou.net 现在它们正在捕蝇草(VenusFlytrap)口中,穿上苍蝇装(FlySuit),最后使用大木槌(Mallet)打碎花瓶(VasewithSunglasses),

2. 槌:离开前,拿起地上的木槌(Mallet). 从小洞(Hatch)爬出去,离开黑森林. 回到安卡摩波克镇的酒店. 酒店里有根木梁(Beam),拿起木槌将钉子钉在梁上,把刚冲洗好的绵羊相片贴在章鱼画框上头,将绵羊画挂在木梁上. 和梁后那个吹牛的家伙(Braggart)交谈,

3. 木锤:malfunction 失灵;故障 | mallet 木锤 | man-hour 工时

4. 槌棒:malleolar 踝的 | mallet 槌棒 | malleus 锤骨

You may recognize the name of a landmark of London England in the name of this game which translates simply as ball-mallet.(你可能认出来了,它和能够代表伦敦形象的一种游戏的名字十分相近(译注:应该指paille-maille,16、17世纪左右流行于英国的球类游戏,在草坪上进行),名字直接翻译过来就是槌球。)
Objective To introduce a surgical procedure for treatment of chronic mallet finger deformity with reliable results.(目的探讨一种比较可靠的治疗陈旧性锤状指畸形的手术方法。)
The Feng dance smiles to lay up the pike of thunder mallet and night absolute being.(凤舞微笑着将雷槌和冥神之矛收起。)
Let it be...... now son, we don't mallet to these etiquettes.(也罢……今儿个,咱们不拘这些礼节。)
The drummer was worried because his mallet was missing one minute before the concert.(鼓手很著急,因为他的小音槌在音乐会开始前一分钟不见了。收藏。)
Now take the mallet and tap lightly on this instrument. A little harder.(现在把木捶拿来,轻轻地在起子上敲敲。敲大力一些。)
Take the plough and the forge and the mallet and the lute(带着犁耙和炼炉,极棒和琴瑟。)
Could I get some cream and a mallet?(我能要点奶油和一把木槌吗?)
Would prefer seek a male who is thus considerate to mallet one fancy than envy, also are bitter in idea you.(与其羡慕,不如找一个如此贴心贴意的男子,也将你疼在心中。)
Conclusion Reconstruction insertion of extensor tendon is an effective method to treat mallet fingers.(结论伸肌腱止点重建术是治疗锤状指畸形的有效方法。)
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