英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 20:10:47



英 [məˈdɪsɪnl]

美 [mɪˈdɪsənəl]


副词: medicinally

  • 详情解释

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  • 药用的
  • 医学的
  • 有疗效的
  • 有药效的
  • 医药的
  • 医疗的
  • 治病的
  • 医治的
  • 药物的
  • 医术的
  • 内科的
  • 治疗的
  • 有益的
  • 有益于健康的
  • 镇痛的
  • 有药味的


1. having the properties of medicine

e.g. medicative drugs
medicinal herbs
medicinal properties

Synonym: medicative

1. 有疗效的;药用的;治病的
Medicinal substances or substances with medicinal effects can be used to treat and cure illnesses.


e.g. ...medicinal plants.

Root ginger has been used medicinally for centuries.

1. 医学的:medicative 有药效的 | medicinal 医学的 | medicine ball 健身实心球

2. 医药的:mechanical stability 机械稳定性 | medicinal 医药的 | meniscus 凹凸透镜

3. 药的,药用的,治疗的:medical医学的,医疗的,医术的 | medicinal药的,药用的,治疗的 | medicine医学,内服药(剂)

4. 医药的;药用的;药物:medication 药疗法;药物 | medicinal 医药的;药用的;药物 | medicinalliquidparaffin 药用液体石蜡

  • 经典引文

  • Your medicinal springs where their wives took the waters.

    出自:J. Betjeman
  • A glass of Burgundy to go with itspurely for medicinal purposes, of course.

    出自:Julian Gloag
She learned how to identify medicinal herbs from a traditional Chinese doctor.(她向一位中医大夫学习如何识别草药。)
Medicinal herbs have on average nearly doubled in price over the last year.(中药材的平均价格在过去的一年里几乎翻了一倍。)
If it is cooked whole, it loses most of its medicinal value and health benefits.(如果完全煮熟,绝大部分的医疗价值和保健作用都会丧失。)
Both archaeologists quoted the 12th-century monk Geoffrey of Monmouth as saying the stones were thought to have medicinal properties.(两位考古学家都引用了12世纪的修道士蒙茅思的杰弗里曾说过的话,石头当时被认为具有医学疗效。)
People discovered their medicinal value.(人们发现了它们的药用价值。)
He also had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.(他对大蒜的药用功效深信不疑。)
People extract medicinal therapeutic mud.(人们从泥浆中提取药物。)
One such popular medicinal drink was Vin Mariani, a French product consisting of coca extract mixed with red wine.(其中一种这样的流行药用饮料是VinMariani,这是一种法国产品,由古柯提取物和红酒混合而成。)
Besides their edibility, mushrooms have long been considered to have medicinal properties.(除了它们的可食性之外,蕈类长期被认为具有药用功能。)
He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes.(他说他存放着一瓶白兰地只是为了药用。)
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