英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-10 22:17:15


英 [rɪˈstɔ:rətɪv]

美 [rɪˈstɔrətɪv, -ˈstor-]



副词: restoratively 名词: restorativeness

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1. a device for treating injury or disease

Synonym: corrective

2. a medicine that strengthens and invigorates

Synonym: tonic


1. promoting recuperation

e.g. recuperative powers
strongly recuperative remedies
restorative effects of exercise

Synonym: recuperative

2. tending to impart new life and vigor to

e.g. the renewing warmth of the sunshine

Synonym: renewingrevivingrevitalizingrevitalising

1. 恢复健康(或体力、精神)的
Something that is restorative makes you feel healthier, stronger, or more cheerful after you have been feeling tired, weak, or miserable.

e.g. She opened the door to her bedroom, thinking how restorative a hot bath would feel tonight.

2. 使人恢复健康(或体力、精神)的事物
If you describe something as a restorative, you mean that it makes you feel healthier, stronger, or more cheerful after you have been feeling tired, weak, or miserable.

e.g. Seven days off could be a wonderful restorative.

1. 恢复药:restorative bolus with tremendous power 回天再造丸 | restorative 恢复药 | restorer 恢复器

2. 恢复健康的:restoration 恢复 | restorative 恢复健康的 | restore 恢复

3. restorative什么意思

3. 恢复的:restorative force 恢复力 | restorative 恢复的 | restore 还原

4. 修复剂:lipid 脂肪 | restorative 修复剂 | latein 叶黄素

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Crocodile pose (makarasana – as shown above) is a deeply restorative yoga pose.(纵趴姿势(鳄鱼姿势—如上图)是瑜伽中深度恢复的姿势。)
But snoring itself can interrupt sleep enough to prevent you from getting enough restorative rest.(但是打鼾本身会严重妨碍睡眠,阻止你获得足够的有效的休息。)
The restorative powers of mourning are extraordinary.(悲痛的恢复力是非常大的。)
Sure I thought of rest as refreshing, restorative and necessary.(当然,我认为休息可以使人振作,恢复健康,并且是必要的。)
Adequate serotonin levels promote deep, restorative sleep.(适当的5-羟色胺水平有利于促进深度睡眠,迅速恢复体力。)
Why is Web-surfing more restorative than, say, responding to a friend's email?(为什么上网闲逛能比回封朋友的邮件更能让人恢复活力呢?)
Alcohol may make you feel sleepy, but it keeps you out of that deeply restorative stage of sleep.(酒精会使人困倦,但是不利于睡眠阶段的精神复元。)
This my friends, is the wonderful world of Restorative Yoga.(朋友们,这是一个很棒的养生瑜伽世界。)
The ever curious monarch took a sip of the brew and was pleasantly surprised by its flavor and its restorative properties.(一向好奇的君王尝了一口,他为其芳香和恢复体力的功效而惊奇、兴奋。)
This deep, slow, relaxed breathing, used in Savasana (Corpse Pose) and other restorative poses, is most commonly associated with yoga.(仰尸式(CorpsePose)和其他一些恢复性的姿势中就运用的这种呼吸,既深,且慢,还令人放松。这样的呼吸通常与瑜伽联系在一起。)
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