英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 20:22:11
  • 双解释义

  • [S]西北方 the direction which is half-way between north and west
  • 西北的,向西北的 coming from the northwest
  • 向西北 towards northwest
  • 双语例句

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

1. Consisting of eight geographical clusters of protected areas within the boundaries of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in the mountainous north-west of Yunnan Province, the 1.7 million hectare site features sections of the upper reaches of three of the great rivers of Asia: the Yangtze, Mekong and Salween run roughly parallel, north to south, through steep gorges which, in places, are 3, 000 m deep and are bordered by glaciated peaks more than 6, 000 m high.
由在3 个平行的河国家公园的边界内的保护区的8 地理的群组成,在云南省,170万平方公引站点特徵亚洲的巨大河中的3 条的上游的部分的巨大北部西边内︰长江,Mekong和Salween变得平行,北方到南方,透过在位置内,3,000米深并且毗邻使冰冻山峰高的6,000米是陡的峡谷。

2. Possession of extraordinary power, feng xian word, the five original nine-gun (that is now north-west of Inner Mongolia Baotou City) people.

3. East Ridge andling chuan sincetie fo bordering counties, west to the old maling Qinshui County and connects the south andze zhou xian Jiepai Ridge at the junction of the north-west to Dan ZHU Ling and the eldest son of the county is adjacent to the Northeast from the mountain and Changzhi Gimcheon County-phase.

4. north-west的翻译

4. Lime-soil compaction pile foundation belongs to composite one and can obtain obvious technology and economic benefits when it is used to collapsible loess or filled soil, when is widely used in the north-west and north China.

5. In Nakuru, north-west of Naivasha, at least 80 people have been killed.


6. Six people were killed when the office of a foreign aid agency was attacked in Mansehra in the north-west of Pakistan.

7. MANAUS is a city in north-west Brazil. It is situated on the Rio Negro river.

8. JOHN BARLOW, a British expatriate in Galicia, the rain-swept region of the Spanish north-west that gave birth to Franco, has an odd ambition: to eat every bit of a pig, from its tail to its snout.

9. It is not only guarding the Ming Tombs, but also the capital of the north-west door.

10. Most of Ming Tombs can be found 50 kilometres north-west of Beijing in a place call Shisanling.

11. Carbon monoxide poisoning has left at least four people dead in a coal mine in Gansu province, in north-west China, Xinhua reported.


12. Fengning county, 15 km north-west, tree height 8 meters, 3.5 meters Shu Wai, an area covering 525 square meters, the 9-song dangerous, winding Zhuangruo Kowloon play, it was the name.

13. north-west什么意思

13. In 1966 he wintered with the Polar Eskimos of North-West Greenland in order to learn their ways and techniques on the ice.

14. It`s expected to enhance the number of observations in the environment of hurricanes threatening North-West Pacific area.


15. It is located in the Haidian district of the north-west suburbs.

16. The tour I joined this time started from Airlie Beach to the north-west part of the Hayman island called Blue Pearl Bay by a racing yacht about two hour sail. The Blue Pearl Bay is a small bay with lots of small gravel instead of sand, it's really uncomfortable to walk on the bay barefoot.

17. Socio-economic development during this period there are three basic characteristics: First, the location of the Qindu yi formed an important political center, so that the upper reaches of the Western Han Dynasty of water as early as the development of the north-west region into one of the regions, not only to ancient history ofcheng nan development had a significant impact, but also for socio-economic developmentguan long also had a huge role.


18. Papeete, the capital raised: Big Island is located in the north-west, which can be visited along the Venus Kok, water holes, the open-meter waterfall, the landing of Captain Cook, botanical gardens, Gauguin Museum, arts and crafts center, Allahou la monuments, Tahiti Island Museum, Harbor Park, shell museum, Tahiti pearl centers and other places to visit.

19. Pu'er tea is released while the second type, more than the growth of mountain people in the street or surrounding竹楼, age more than 50~150 years, the cup diameter, 2-3 meters high, are located in the southwestern Yunnan Province, north-west, south Waxy Hill Jingmai, Wu Yi, Meng Treasury and other regions have, Simao region and the Northeast less.

20. At present, these Dart are using as reserve of the feeder service within the LRT networks in the North-west of New Territories.

  • A strange light appeared in the northwest.
  • We looked towards the northwest.
  • The river is located 10 kilometres to the northwest of the city.
  • To the northwest of our school, there's a naked hillside.
  • It's a few kilometres to the northwest of London.
  • He lives in a small town to the northwest of Shanghai.
  • The church's northwest window has beautifully coloured glass.
  • He lives on the northwest coast.
  • She lives on the northwest side of the street.
  • The room faces northwest, so we get the morning sun.
  • We are travelling northwest.
  • Walk two blocks northwest, take a left at 19th, then you'll find the post office.
  • The wind was blowing northwest.
用作名词 (n.)
用作形容词 (adj.)
用作副词 (adv.)
  • 词语用法

  • northwest的基本意思是“西北方”,指处于西方和北方之间的一个方向。
  • northwest可与介词at, in, of, on, to等搭配,表示“位于…的西北方”。
  • northwest的首字母可大写,也可不大写。
  • northwest用作形容词时的意思是“西北的,向西北的”,指某人或某事处于西北部或趋向于西北方的状态。
  • northwest在句中只能用作定语,无比较级和最高级形式。
  • northwest用作副词时的意思是“向西北方地”,指以西北方为目的地而进行的运动或呈现的状态。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In the late nineteenth century, the North-West coast of Italy was struck by numerous earhquakes.(在19世纪晚期,意大利西北海岸附近屡次发生地震。)
Sierras Subandinas: The samples were found in north-west Argentina.(安第斯支脉地区:这些样品是在阿根廷西北部发现的。)
We spent the next few days riding through north-west Argentina.(后来几天我们在阿根廷西北部穿行。)
As a result China is seeing floods in the south-east and droughts in the north-west.(其结果是中国东南部洪水泛滥,而西北部干旱少雨。)
Children from the North-West have lost out most, with their weekly money down 35 per cent to ?7.25.(英国西北部地区孩子每周的零花钱较去年下降得最多,降幅35%,跌至7.25英镑。)
This followed an agreed truce in the district of Swat in the North-West Frontier Province.(随后在西北部边境省斯瓦特区域达成停火协议。)
Hurricane activity in the subtropical north-west of the Pacific dropped a whopping 70 percent.(太平洋西北部亚热带地区的飓风活动减少了70%。)
In Nakuru, north-west of Naivasha, at least 80 people have been killed.(在内瓦沙镇的西北部纳库卢镇,至少有80人已经被杀害。)
Most of them are held at Christmas Island, an Australian territory off the north-west coast.(大部分在澳大利亚西北海岸的圣诞岛就已经被拦截了。)
The wind is currently coming from the north-west, pushing the slick.towards the mouth of the gulf and away from danger.(现在的风是来自西北方向,正驱使着沾满浮油的海水涌向墨西哥湾的人口处,消除潜在威胁。)
north-west是什么意思 north-west在线翻译 north-west什么意思 north-west的意思 north-west的翻译 north-west的解释 north-west的发音 north-west的同义词