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更新时间:2024-05-27 13:35:28



英 [ˈɑ:ftəlaɪf]

美 [ˈæftərlaɪf]



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  • 【宗】来世,来生, 后世
  • 晚年,后来的岁月
  • 余生,下半生,后半生
  • 死后生活


1. life after death

Synonym: hereafter

1. 来世;来生
The afterlife is a life that some people believe begins when you die, for example a life in heaven or as another person or animal.

1. 下一站天国:是以上的元素使我最终选择了看(AFTERLIFE)而非北野武的. 导演是枝裕和(Hirokazu Koreeda)原来是想写一本关于天国车站的小说,后来他采访了500个人,记录下他们的回忆,成了一部近似记录片的电影.


2. 死后的生活:afterimage 余象 | afterlife 死后的生活 | afterlight 晚霞

Communities from Chile to Egypt to Sicily have mummified their dead to preserve the body for the afterlife.(从智利到埃及的一些群落,用木乃伊来为人的来世保存躯体。)
What happened to that woman in afterlife?(那女人后半生的生活怎样?)
You may wonder if I believe in afterlife.(也许有人会问作者,你相信来世吗?)
They do believe in afterlife.(这些人自然是相信来世的。)
Many are made to be put in the tombs of the elite in order to serve the tomb owners in the afterlife.(许多是为了被置于精英的坟墓里而作,以便在来世为坟墓主人服务。)
"The postulate of an afterlife enables us to make sense of this life," he writes.(“来生的假设让我们更能搞清楚今生的意义。”他写道。)
Recently, a new book called, "Your Digital Afterlife," was published by new Riders Press.(最近,NewRider出版社出版了一本名为《生命终结后的数字生活》的书。)
So believe it or not, I'd rather there were afterlife.(为此,信也好,不信也好,我宁愿有来世。)
It's a strange afterlife for a man who never cared much about money.(对一个从来不在意钱财的人来说,死后的这场官司真是匪夷所思。)
There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers;(对于坏掉的计算机来说可没有什么天堂或者来生;)
afterlife是什么意思 afterlife在线翻译 afterlife什么意思 afterlife的意思 afterlife的翻译 afterlife的解释 afterlife的发音 afterlife的同义词