英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:09:24


英 [ˌəʊvəˈpaʊərɪŋ]

美 [ˌoʊvərˈpaʊərɪŋ]


副词: overpoweringly

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1. so strong as to be irresistible

e.g. an overpowering need for solitude
the temptation to despair may become overwhelming
an overwhelming majority

Synonym: overwhelming

1. (情感等)强烈得令人难以承受的,不可抗拒的
An overpowering feeling is so strong that you cannot resist it.

e.g. ...hard, cold, overpowering anger...
e.g. The desire for revenge can be overpowering.

2. (气味、声音等)盖过一切的,过于强烈的
An overpowering smell or sound is so strong that you cannot smell or hear anything else.

e.g. There was an overpowering smell of alcohol...
e.g. The noise was overpowering.

3. (人)个性极强的,专横的
An overpowering person makes other people feel uncomfortable because they have such a strong personality.

e.g. Mrs Winter was large and somewhat overpowering.
e.g. ...an overpowering manner.

1. 过功率的:overpower 过度功率 | overpowering 过功率的 | overpressure valve 过压阀

2. 无法抗拒的:山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers/landscape | 无法抗拒的 overpowering | 熙熙攘攘 crowded, hustle and bustle

3. overpowering什么意思

3. 无法抵抗的:overpotential 过电位 | overpowering 无法抵抗的 | overpraise 过度夸奖

4. 强烈的,难抗拒的:LowerClass下层阶级 | Overpowering强烈的,难抗拒的 | ForceForward逼迫,促进

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Mrs. Winter was large and somewhat overpowering.(温特夫人身材高大,而且有些强悍。)
Across the country, thousands of prisoners are reported to have escaped from jails after overpowering their guards.(而全国,据报道上千名犯人在突破守卫越狱而逃。)
Exhaustion was pressing upon and overpowering her.(疲倦沉沉的压来,渐渐压倒了她。)
The celestial atmosphere means that you have an overpowering urge to get much, much closer to someone special.(今天星空的氛围意味着你有一种难以克制的急切想与一位特殊的人更加更加的接近。)
The heat was overpowering.(酷热难当。)
Some people wander into disaster's path at random; others, like the Garners, are led by overpowering desire.(有些人碰上灾难纯属偶然,另一些像盖勒夫妇那样的人,则是由一股无法抗拒的渴望引导,步入了灾难的航道。)
Try not to use overpowering perfume or cologne, as this can be just as off putting.(尽量不要使用浓郁的香水,这也会导致淘汰。)
I've always been attracted to very feminine women who are not overpowering.(我总是被那些不强悍的女人味十足的女人所吸引。)
So there is at least a recognizable, although not overpowering, difference in taste.(虽然不是压倒性的但至少在口味上的不同是可以分辨的。)
This change provided a more mellow flavor which enhanced the taste of other foods without overpowering them.(这一变化提供了一种更加成熟的味道,在没有破坏其他食物风味同时提高了它们的鲜味。)
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