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更新时间:2024-05-27 21:16:24



英 [pəˈrəʊkiəl]

美 [pəˈroʊkiəl]


副词: parochially 名词: parochialism

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  • 教区的
  • 地方性的
  • 狭隘的
  • 眼光狭窄的
  • 狭小的
  • 堂区的
  • 只关心本地区的
  • 地方观念的
  • 镇村的
  • 偏狭的
  • 心地偏狭
  • 范围有限的
  • 地方范围的
  • 教区制度
  • 地方观念
  • 使成教区
  • 使地方化
  • 使眼界狭小


1. narrowly restricted in outlook or scope

e.g. little sympathy with parochial mentality
insular attitudes toward foreigners

Synonym: insular

2. relating to or supported by or located in a parish

e.g. parochial schools

1. (人)思想狭隘的,只考虑自身的
If you describe someone as parochial, you are critical of them because you think they are too concerned with their own affairs and should be thinking about more important things.


2. 堂区的;教区的
Parochial is used to describe things that relate to the parish connected with a particular church.

e.g. She was a secretary on the local parochial church council.

1. 教区的, 地方范围的, 狭小的:diocesan 主教管区的 | parochial 教区的, 地方范围的, 狭小的 | progeny 后代;子女

2. parochial的近义词

2. 教区的:parlous 危险的 | parochial 教区的 | parochialism 教区制度


3. 偏狭的:Pandora掇 box 麻烦,马蜂窝 72 | parochial 偏狭的 74 | play hardball 展开激烈竞争,不再客气 74

4. 便狭的:Pandora's box 潘多拉的盒子,灾祸之源 | parochial 便狭的 | play hardball 展开激烈竞争、不再客气

  • 经典引文

  • Much..parochial work was connected with the marriages of..parishioners.

    出自:A. Kenny
She was a secretary on the local parochial church council.(她是当地教区教堂理事会的秘书。)
Separating schoolboys from schoolgirls has long been a staple of private and parochial education.(分开中小学男生和女生在私立和小范围的教育中已经是一个固定模式。)
"Obviously, 9/11 was a devastating event for the world and on a parochial basis it hit our company very hard, " he says.(“显然,9.11事件对全世界来说是个破坏性事件,而从小范围来看,它严重打击了我们公司,”陈纳德说。)
Their children attend a Jewish parochial school.(他们的孩子在一所犹太教区学校上学。)
A second signal may seem a bit parochial to international readers.(第二个信号对于国际读者来数也许有一些太地方了。)
Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination.(我们本位主义的狭隘性和傲慢文化是一个危险的结合。)
The city has many private, parochial, and business schools.(该市同时还有很多私立的、教会的、商务学校。)
And some Isle of Wight voters can sound pretty parochial.(而且,怀特岛选民有时还真是很狭隘。)
I hope that this unfortunate little circumstance will not deprived me of my parochial office?(我希望这一不幸的小节不至于导致我被革去在教区担任的的职务。)
Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.(官吏出于狭隘的责任观念往往倾向于保密。)
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