英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 21:20:06



英 [ˈpɔ:pə(r)]

美 [ˈpɔpɚ]



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  • 穷人
  • 贫民
  • 乞丐
  • 靠救济度日者
  • 贫穷
  • 【律】贫苦起诉人
  • 叫化子
  • 保佩尔(音译名)
  • 波佩 (音译名)
  • 照救贫法得到救济的人


1. a person who is very poor

1. 贫民;穷人
A pauper is a very poor person.

e.g. He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave.

1. 贫民:paulocardia 心停歇感觉 | pauper 贫民 | pauperization 贫困化

2. 贫民,乞丐:373. patriot: 爱国者. | 374. pauper: 贫民,乞丐. | 375. pawn: 被利用的小人物.

3. 叫花子,乞丐:overdraft 透支 | pauper 叫花子,乞丐 | poor 贫穷

4. 贫民,穷人,被救济者:rasper用锉刀的人 | pauper 贫民,穷人,被救济者 | duper 欺诈者,骗子

  • 经典引文

  • We don't need the rector's money, we're not paupers.

    出自:Rachel Anderson
The roughness of the world.He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he.(手心;它舔舐无情的世界带给你的创伤和痛苦。它守护着乞丐主人入睡,仿佛他是王子。)
With regard to pedagogy, you are the prince and the principal is the pauper.(在教育学方面,您是王子,校长是乞丐。)
I'd been well off one day, a pauper the next.(昨天还家境宽裕,下一天便一无所有。)
He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave.(他死时一文不名,葬于一处无名墓中。)
Most people accept that a dollar is worth more to a pauper than to a plutocrat.(一美元的价值对于乞丐,比对于富豪更高,这为大多数人所接受。)
But I don't need your advice. Do you think pa is a pauper?(不过我不需要你的忠告,你认为我爸是个穷光蛋吗?)
He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.(它守卫着穷主人安睡如同守卫王子。)
I'm not asking any girl to marry a pauper.(我是说我不会要求任何姑娘给一个叫化子。)
The prince and the pauper.(王子和乞丐。)
It all happened again: I'd been well off one day, a pauper the next.(一切又重新来过:昨天还家境宽裕,下一天便一无所有。)
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