英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 21:43:56


英 [ˈpʌljʊleɪt]

美 [ˈpʌljəˌlet]


形容词: pullulative 名词: pullulation 过去式: pullulated 过去分词: pullulated 现在分词: pullulating 第三人称单数: pullulates

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1. breed freely and abundantly

2. become abundant
increase rapidly

3. produce buds, branches, or germinate

e.g. the potatoes sprouted

Synonym: shootspudgerminatebourgeonburgeon forthsprout

4. move in large numbers

e.g. people were pouring out of the theater
beggars pullulated in the plaza

Synonym: pourswarmstreamteem

5. be teeming, be abuzz

e.g. The garden was swarming with bees
The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen
her mind pullulated with worries

Synonym: teemswarm


1. 发芽:篡改无人是纵容(tamp),纵容加花是踩实(tramp)弟弟慢说(drawl)不争吵(brawl),专家平躺(sprawl)他拖网(trawl)成年之后才谄媚(adulate),否定以后起波澜(undulate),模式变调才调音(modulate),拖拖拉拉才发芽(pullulate)

2. 抽芽:pullteartotalkcasuallyRIP 扯 | pullulate 抽芽 | pulluppulloutselectpromotepulloutunplug 拔

3. 繁殖,剧增,发芽,发展:pulley 滑轮,滑车,皮带轮 | pullulate 繁殖,剧增,发芽,发展 | pulp 纸浆

4. 发芽/抽芽/充满/产生/发展/成长:pullulanase /支链淀粉酶/ | pullulate /发芽/抽芽/充满/产生/发展/成长/ | pulluter /污染者/

In order to make young cadres pullulate healthily and span obstacles, the following should be done: 1. aggrandize means of cultivation;(要使青年干部顺利跨越前进中的障碍,健康顺利的成长,必须做到:1。强化教育培养手段;)
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