英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 22:22:22


英 [ˌri:ˈkɒnstɪtju:t]

美 [ˌri:ˈkɑ:nstətu:t]


过去式: reconstituted 过去分词: reconstituted 现在分词: reconstituting 第三人称单数: reconstitutes

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  • 重新构成
  • 再组成
  • 重组
  • 修复
  • 使恢复原状
  • 重新编成
  • 重现
  • 使还原
  • 重新组成
  • 重新设立
  • 再构成
  • 加水使(脱水食物)复原
  • 恢复水分
  • 重新制定
  • 改组
  • 复原



1. construct or form anew or provide with a new structure

e.g. After his accident, he had to restructure his life
The governing board was reconstituted

Synonym: restructure

1. 重新组建,重新构建,改组(组织或国家)
If an organization or state is reconstituted, it is formed again in a different way.


e.g. Slowly Jewish communities were reconstituted and Jewish life began anew.
e.g. ...the reconstituted Communist Party, now called the Party of Democratic Socialism.

The report recommended suspension and reconstitution of the district party under redrafted rules.

2. 使(脱水食物)复原;泡开
To reconstitute dried food means to add water to it so that it can be eaten.


e.g. To reconstitute dried tomatoes, simmer in plain water until they are tender...
e.g. Try eating reconstituted dried prunes, figs or apricots.

1. 重新组成:reconstitute 重新设立 | reconstitute 重新组成 | reconstructive 有益于再建的


2. 插样;重新组成:reconsequent stream 再顺河 | reconstitute 插样;重新组成 | reconstituted fibre 回纺纤维

3. 重新设立:reconstituent 强壮恢复剂 | reconstitute 重新设立 | reconstitute 重新组成

  • 经典引文

  • His home has been tenderly reconstituted from photographs..and memories.

    出自:C. Thubron
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Just as much as any other historian, an archaeologist studies and tries to reconstitute the process that has created the.(正象任何一位历史学家那样,考古学家研究调查并尽力去重构一个过程。)
We must attend and symbolize in order to carry forward the process and thereby reconstitute it in certain new aspects.(我们必须留意并符号化以便带动过程,并重建一些特定的新的方面。)
One person's behavior can reconstitute the interaction and experiencing process of the other person (see definition 23).(一个人的行为可以重建另外一个人的互动和体验过程(见定义23)。)
The Reconstitute request tree phase creates a component tree for the requested page.(重建请求树阶段为被请求的页面创建组件树。)
We have shown that a really small transplant of neuroblasts and progenitors was able to reconstitute damaged brain areas and influence the whole organism.(我们的结果已经显示移植非常少的神经母细胞和神经元祖细胞能重建毁坏的脑组织区域和影响整个机体组织。)
What Happened: He used heat to concentrate wine in order to make it easier to transport, with the idea of adding water to reconstitute it when he arrived.(经过:他用加热的方法提纯葡萄酒以便运输,打算到达目的地后再兑水还原。)
To reconstitute morality and personality in the modern society, we must lay emphasis on the reconstruction of humanistic quality.(要重构现代社会道德人格,就必须注重人文素质的重塑。)
Clearly, it would be an inexcusable mistake to reconstitute them as private companies in anything close to their prior form.(显然,把它们重组为像先前那样的私人企业会是一个不可原谅的错误。)
And we do not know when beleaguered consumers, now trying to reconstitute their decimated wealth position, will feel comfortable in beginning to spend.(而且我们也不知道那些目前处于困境之中正努力恢复其财产状况的消费者何时愿意重新开始消费。)
The major methods used to reconstitute the company are acquisition of companies and merging。(公司重组的方式有公司收购和公司兼并。)
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