英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 22:00:00



英 [səˈtaɪəti]

美 [səˈtaɪɪti]


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  • 饱足
  • 过多
  • 果腹
  • 满足
  • 饱食
  • 厌腻
  • 饱腹感
  • 饱满感
  • 过饱


1. the state of being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more

Synonym: repletionsatiation


1. 饱腹感:sassafras 黄樟树 | satiety 饱腹感 | saturated fatty acid 饱和脂肪酸

2. 充分供应:satiation 饱足 | satiety 充分供应 | satin stitch 刺绣针迹

3. satiety的解释

3. 餍足状态:satiation effect 满足效应 | satiety 餍足状态 | satiety center 餍足中枢

4. satiety

4. 饱足,满足:sate使心满意足v | satiety饱足,满足n | sarcasm讽刺n

  • 经典引文

  • Lust..grows with its satisfaction, there is no satiety.

    出自:Baroness Orczy
Confucius answered him, "a Sage is what I cannot rise to. I learn without satiety, and teach without being tired."(孔子曰:‘圣则吾不能,我学不厌而教不倦也。’)
Feather Tea also can drink two cups a day nine grass, reduce heat accumulation, increase satiety, help to lose weight easily.(另外每天可以喝两杯九味草的纤羽茶,减少热量的囤积,增加饱腹感,有助于轻松减肥。)
By cutting food into smaller pieces, you can increase satiety and enjoy your food more thoroughly.(通过将食物切成小块,你将增加果腹感并且更加充分享受你的食物。)
The only possibility of satiety is to remain in your Self.(唯一可能的满足是呆在你的真我中。)
Three times as filling as a slice of white bread, potatoes top all of the foods on the satiety index.(等量的白面包,土豆的饱腹感是其3倍。土豆是所有食物中饱腹指数最高的。)
Afterward he always says: "I feel better"-- and this sums up vigorously any apology that might be made for satiety.(过后,他总会说:“我感觉好极了。”这句话犀利精辟,一语带过了任何因餍足而产生的歉意。)
Maintaining a high satiety diet can help you to feel full and avoid eating junk food and snacking.(保持饱腹感高的饮食可以让你觉得饱饱的,这样你就不会去吃垃圾食品或者零食。)
Lack of sleep, as this can trigger metabolic changes that cause weight gain by affecting hormones that control appetite and satiety.(缺乏睡眠。因为缺乏睡眠能够激发代谢上的变化,进而影响激素水平,这些激素能够调控食欲和饱腹感的感知,最终使体重上升。)
The flame of measurement leads either to satiety, indifference and neglect, or to a wider and deeper enquiry.(度量之火要么导致厌腻、冷漠和疏忽,要么导致一种更加广阔深入的探寻。)
Heat is a satiety signal.(温暖是吃饱的信号。)
satiety是什么意思 satiety在线翻译 satiety什么意思 satiety的意思 satiety的翻译 satiety的解释 satiety的发音 satiety的同义词