英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 22:01:49


英 [skeɪlz]

美 [skeɪlz]



  • 网络解释

1. 天平:将九头蛇的牙齿交给警卫,将天平(scales)交给Salim(醉鬼). 你需要下列物品:从旅馆获得床单,从Wolfie获得气球画,从九头蛇岛得到的黏土块(goo),从Marrak得到的火盆(brazier),和一条绳子. 给Ann看画,给她床单,给Marrak看画并买下火盆.

2. 鳞:c.中期毛(Wether wool): d.拉拔毛(Pulled wool): e.死羊毛(Dead wool): 羊毛(Wool)构造 羊毛构造呈棒状,表面有毛鳞(Scales),如鱼鳞状而与其它纤维有所分别.

Although most of their scales have been lost, tunas and mackerels retain a patch of coarse scales near the head called the corselet.(虽然它们的大部分鳞片已经消失,但金枪鱼和鲭鱼头部附近仍保留着一块粗糙的鳞片,称为胸甲。)
We might ask how well the technique scales up.(我们可能要问技术上的提高比例会怎么样。)
Please put your bags on the scales.(请把您的行李放在秤上。)
Sort of what tipped the scales for me was that like, people here actually talked to me.(对我来说,最终稍稍起决定性作用的是,这里的人们实际上跟我交谈了。)
Some lipsticks contain fish scales.(有些唇膏中含有鱼鳞。)
Although scales typically cover reptiles, the pterosaurs probably had hairy coats.(虽然爬行动物身上通常都有鳞片,但翼龙的皮可能有很多毛。)
Improve the accuracy of weather and wind forecasts on time scales from hours to days.(把天气和风力预报的准确性的时间尺度从几个小时的提高到几天的。)
A fish's scales overlap each other.(鱼鳞一片片上下交叠。)
The symbol of Libra is the scales of a balance.(天秤座的标志是一架平衡的天平。)
Readers can view extreme close-ups of items including ladies' tights, the surface of the human tongue and the beautiful scales on butterfly wings.(读者能够看到各项物品的大特写,其中包括女人的紧身衣、人类舌头的表面和蝴蝶翅膀上的美丽鳞屑。)
scales是什么意思 scales在线翻译 scales什么意思 scales的意思 scales的翻译 scales的解释 scales的发音 scales的同义词