英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 22:05:13


英 [ˈskɔ:nfl]

美 [ˈskɔ:rnfl]


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  • 轻蔑的,鄙夷的,藐视的
  • 嘲笑的
  • 傲慢的
  • 当做笑柄的
  • 出言不逊的
  • 鄙视的


1. expressing extreme contempt

Synonym: contemptuousdisdainfulinsulting

1. 轻蔑的;嘲笑的
If you are scornful of someone or something, you show contempt for them.

e.g. He is deeply scornful of politicians.
e.g. ...a scornful simile.

'I didn't think so,' the judge said scornfully.

1. scornful的解释

1. 轻蔑的:genuine#纯真的 | scornful#轻蔑的 | pensive#沉思的

2. 鄙视的:derision嘲笑的 | scornful鄙视的 | cynical愤世嫉俗的

3. 轻视的:scorn 轻视 | scornful 轻视的 | scoundrel 无籁

4. 蔑视的:respectful 尊敬的 | scornful 蔑视的 | shocked 震惊的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

"Oh, well!" said Catherine, with scornful compassion, "keep your secret. I'm no coward."(“好吧!”凯瑟琳说,带着讥讽的怜悯,“保守你的秘密吧,我可不是懦夫。”)
Still the strong face did not blench, and still the scornful smile played about the thin lips.(这时福尔摩斯坚毅的面孔上依然毫无惧色,薄薄的嘴唇上仍然挂著轻蔑的笑容。)
Were robbers scornful of its four-million-dollar capital?(强盗们是看不上这400万元的资本吗?)
Those scornful sights hurt my self-esteem deeply when I studied in urban schools.(在城里读书,那些鄙视目光,刺伤我的自尊心。)
His voice was scornful in the extreme.(他的声音听起来极端地轻蔑。)
Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings.(豿再傲慢也会吃脏布丁。)
Heidi did not take this for a summons, for the maid's face was scornful and forbidding.(海蒂并不认为这是一种召唤,因为女仆的脸带着轻蔑,令人生畏。)
She flung him a scornful look.(她轻蔑地看了他一眼。)
Brad is scornful of European movies.(布莱德轻视欧洲电影。)
He is no longer scornful of desk work.(他不再鄙视案头工作了。)
scornful是什么意思 scornful在线翻译 scornful什么意思 scornful的意思 scornful的翻译 scornful的解释 scornful的发音 scornful的同义词