英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 22:41:46



英 [ˈskri:npleɪ]

美 [ˈskrinˌple]



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1. a script for a film including dialogue and descriptions of characters and sets

1. 电影剧本
A screenplay is the words to be spoken in a film, and instructions about what will be seen in it.

1. 剧本:Screen writer 电影剧本作者 | Screenplay 剧本 | Scriptist 电影编剧

2. 电影剧本:screenload 全屏承载 | screenplay 电影剧本 | screenshieldscreening 屏蔽

3. 最佳劇本:Joe Wright - Atonement 愛.誘.罪 | SCREENPLAY 最佳劇本 | Diablo Cody - Juno 少女孕記

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Brecht's verdict was that his screenplay had been mutilated.(布雷赫特的意见是他的电影剧本已经被删改得面目全非了。)
Start off the screenplay with "FADE IN:" right-aligned on the top corner of the page.(以“渐入:”作为剧本的开始,这几个字右对齐在剧本的右上角。)
Write down your ideas, dear Sagittarius, or write them as a screenplay.(记下你的创意,亲爱的射手座,或把它们写成剧本吧。)
Here's how to achieve that kind of screenplay dialogue.(下面将介绍如何编写出这样的剧本对话。)
It's the first nonfiction auto book that reads like a screenplay.(这是第一本关于汽车行业的纪实作品,读起来简直就像是在看剧本。)
The first act is the most important part of your screenplay.(对于电影剧本来说,第一幕无疑是其最为重要的组成部分。)
No matter what genre you choose to violate, every screenplay benefits from having a kooky character.(不管你选择侵犯什么流派,每个剧本都能从有一个古怪的人物角色中得益。)
Mine would be considered an adapted screenplay, since it’s based on my novel.(我的剧本大概算是改编剧本吧,因为它是以我的小说为蓝本的。)
Is your screenplay heavy on romance, and short on comedy?(你的剧本是否太过浪漫却不够喜剧?)
See the film, then read the screenplay.(先看电影,再阅读剧本。)
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