英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 22:53:44


英 [ˈsetld]




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1. not changeable

e.g. a period of settled weather

2. inhabited by colonists

Synonym: colonizedcolonised

3. established in a desired position or place
not moving about

e.g. nomads...absorbed among the settled people
settled areas
I don't feel entirely settled here
the advent of settled civilization

4. established or decided beyond dispute or doubt

e.g. with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night

1. 稳定的;固定的;定居的
If you have a settled way of life, you stay in one place, in one job, or with one person, rather than moving around or changing.

e.g. He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner...
e.g. His house was the only settled home I had as a child.

2. (情况、制度等)固定不变的,无变化的
A settled situation or system stays the same all the time.

e.g. Cats are creatures of habit — they seem to appreciate a settled routine...
e.g. There has been a period of settled weather.

3. (因长期在某地生活或工作)舒适自在的,适应的,习惯的
If you feel settled, you have been living or working in a place long enough to feel comfortable there.

e.g. After a few years of being a diplomat, she still didn't feel settled.

1. 固定的:settle 安顿 | settled 固定的 | settlement 和解


2. 定居的:settle 有背长凳 | settled 定居的 | settlement 财产授与

3. 稳定的:Counsel: 劝告; 建议 | Settled: 稳定的 | 15. A prudent question is one-half of wisdom. 一个审慎的问题就已经得到一半智慧了.

4. 原则:is the rule.|这是不变的 | Settled.|原则 | -Okay. -Good.|- 好吧 - 很好

  • 经典引文

  • Settled governments have not the bold resources of new experimental systems.

  • It was not..a settled thing that Mrs Fitz-Adam was to be visited.

    出自:E. Gaskell
  • I wish this were a settled question in London markets.

    出自:J. Ruskin
  • You have no settled object in life.

    出自:E. F. Benson
  • They were passing through settled districts.

    出自:A. Moorehead
  • 26 of the 427 women who had come down from Oxford that year were without a settled job.

An uneasy calm has settled over Los Angeles.(一种暂时的平静笼罩了洛杉矶。)
There has been a period of settled weather.(曾有一段时期天气很稳定。)
Albert settled himself on the sofa.(阿尔伯特在沙发安坐下来。)
The class settled down and she began the lesson.(全班安静下来她便开始上课了。)
Have you settled on a name for the baby yet?(你给孩子起好名字没有?)
Only minor details now remain to be settled.(只有细枝末节还没确定。)
She settled in Vienna after her father's death.(父亲死后,她就在维也纳定居了。)
Some of the traders settled and intermarried with local women.(一些贸易者定居下来并与当地妇女通婚。)
They settled the land, dispossessing many of its original inhabitants.(他们在此地定居,并逐出了很多原著民。)
He hoped the dispute could be settled amicably.(他希望这次纠纷能友好地得到解决。)
settled是什么意思 settled在线翻译 settled什么意思 settled的意思 settled的翻译 settled的解释 settled的发音 settled的同义词