英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:18:46


英 [ˈʃæmblz]

美 [ˈʃæmbəlz]



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1. a building where animals are butchered

Synonym: abattoirbutcheryslaughterhouse

2. a condition of great disorder

1. (地方、事件或局势)混乱无序,凌乱不堪,一片狼藉
If a place, event, or situation is a shambles or is in a shambles, everything is in disorder.

e.g. The ship's interior was an utter shambles...
e.g. The economy is in a shambles.

1. 肉店:shamble 蹒跚地走 | shambles 肉店 | shambolic 大混乱的

2. shambles

2. 一团糟:Crash 电脑死机 | Shambles 一团糟 | Cop 警察

3. 蹒步,黑锋骑士团驻冰川冰冠的一只饮料商人:38. Westfall Chicken 西部荒野的小鸡 | 39. Shambles 蹒步,黑锋骑士团驻冰川冰冠的一只饮料商人 | 40. Princess 公主,艾尔文森林的猪


4. 肉店/屠宰场/混乱/废墟:shamble /蹒跚地走/ | shambles /肉店/屠宰场/混乱/废墟/ | shambolic /大混乱的/

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But Palestine was a shambles.(但是巴勒斯坦已是一片混乱。)
Chan is a ball of energy but easily distracted, making a shambles of any itinerary.(成龙精力充沛,但容易分心,时常打乱行程。)
Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.(复苏之凤会从经济废墟的灰烬中腾飞而起。)
Apple was a shambles.(苹果还一片混乱。)
For this example, you'll craft a basic zombie character from a game I wrote called Shambles.(对于本例,您将通过我编写的名为Shambles的游戏创建一个基本的怪物角色。)
After Japan lost the war, geisha dispersed and the profession was in shambles.(日本战败后,艺妓行业分散而混乱。)
His desk is a shamBles.(他的桌子乱七八糟。)
The house was a shambles.(那间屋子凌乱不堪。)
Though some reconstruction efforts are underway, much of the region still lies in shambles.(尽管一些重建工作一再进行,但是大部分地区任然是废墟。)
She make a shambles of things.(她把事情搞嘚一塌糊涂。)
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