英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:31:34



英 ['sɪsɪ]

美 [ˈsɪsi]



形容词: sissyish 名词: sissiness 名词复数: sissies

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1. a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive

Synonym: pantywaistpansymilksopMilquetoast


1. having unsuitable feminine qualities

Synonym: effeminateemasculateepicenecissysissifiedsissyish

1. 女孩子气的男孩;胆小怯懦的男孩
Some people, especially men, describe a boy as a sissy when they disapprove of him because he does not like rough, physical activities or is afraid to do things which might be dangerous.

e.g. They were rough kids, and thought we were sissies...
e.g. 'Last one in the sea is a sissy,' proclaimed Idris.

2. 女孩子气的;娘娘腔的
If you describe an action or activity as sissy, you disapprove of it because you think it is only appropriate for girls or women.

e.g. Far from being sissy, it takes a real man to accept that he is not perfect.
e.g. ...men who feel that writing is essentially a sissy occupation.

1. 开启作弊模式:SISSY 开启作弊模式 | Alamode 无敌模式 | PackNHeat 增加毁灭性武器

2. sissy是什么意思

2. 胆小鬼:siskin 金雀 | sissy 胆小鬼 | sister 姐妹

3. 娘娘腔的:Two dates in one day. 脚踩两只船. | sissy 娘娘腔的 | journal 日记

  • 经典引文

  • Garfield, you sissy, I can't believe you're afraid of a little spider.

    出自:Look In
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She probably thinks I went sissy up in here.(她可能以为我在这里变得女里女气了。)
The most important thing in Shantou is to see my niece - Sissy.(回到汕头最重要的事情就是看我侄女-希希。)
And the object of promotion basically is the male when, most avoid sentimental is sissy.(而推广的对象主要是男性时,又最忌婆婆妈妈娘娘腔。)
Whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble and chatter their branches . Sissy trees.(每当寒风吹起,它们就颤抖起来,枝叶直哆嗦。多么娇里娇气的树啊!)
"I couldn't help him buzzing," Scarlett shrugged negligently. "I think he's an awful sissy."(“我没法不让他转呀,”思嘉毫不在意地耸了耸肩膀。“我觉得他这个人太娘娘腔了。”)
I've invited Andy, Bob and Sissy. As for Derek, I don't care if I never see him again in my life.(我已邀请了安迪、鲍勃和茜茜。至于德里克嘛,我一辈子不见他,也不在乎。)
Why did you want to claim that you are not sissy at the end of your writing?(为何你会在文章的结尾处宣称你不是娘娘腔?)
You're such a silly sissy dog!(你这胆小的大笨狗!)
Hurry, don't be sissy, again so I later all ignore you, quick kiss once!(快点,别婆婆妈妈的,再这样我以后都不理你了,快吻一下!)
Small wonder that Japan's young, creative engineers are getting in touch with their inner sissy.(难怪日本越来越多年轻,富有创造力的的工程师开始从事原本内心看做娘娘腔的职。)
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