英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 23:10:42


英 [ˈsledʒhæmə(r)]

美 [ˈslɛdʒˌhæmɚ]




过去式: sledgehammered 过去分词: sledgehammered 现在分词: sledgehammering 第三人称单数: sledgehammers

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1. a heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes or wedges

Synonym: maulsledge



1. beat with a sledgehammer

Synonym: sledge

1. (用于击碎岩石和混凝土的)大锤
A sledgehammer is a large, heavy hammer with a long handle, used for breaking up rocks and concrete.

2. 杀鸡用牛刀
If you say that someone is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, you mean that they are using stronger measures than are really necessary to solve a problem.


1. 长柄大锤:the axe 斧子 (美作:the ax) | sledgehammer 长柄大锤 | bushhammer 石工锤

2. 长柄锤:hammer 锤 | sledgehammer 长柄锤 | chisel 凿子

3. 双手使用的大锤:sledge 双手使用的大锤 | sledgehammer 双手使用的大锤 | sleek 使修光

  • 经典引文

  • Broadway comedy, with its..sledgehammer laugh lines.

    出自:New Yorker
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Do you want to sledgehammer the credit card companies or the bankers who trusted you?(你想不想大锤信用卡公司或银行界人士信赖的,你呢?)
She killed him by a sledgehammer.(她用大锤砸死了他。)
A journalist has tested the safety of a 430-metre-long glass bridge by slamming it with a sledgehammer.(为检测这座430米长玻璃桥的安全性,一名记者用铁锤猛击了桥面。)
Fixed: Iron Sledgehammer - Sound effect is not realistic when user swings the weapon in the air.(固定:铁大锤—声音效果是不现实的,用户的波动在空中武器。)
You're just another brick and I'm a sledgehammer.(也许你也只是粉碎在我这个破坏锤下的另一块砖。)
A West Berliner swings a sledgehammer near Potsdamer Platz while onlookers applaud on Nov. 12.(11月12日,在波茨坦广场附近,一个西柏林人挥动大锤,旁观者鼓掌喝彩。)
Are you looking for a screwdriver or a sledgehammer?(你找的是螺丝起子或大铁锤?)
Driving a nail with a sledgehammer isn't very effective.(用一把大锤去拔个钉子很费劲吧。)
She gave one a sledgehammer and a large chisel, one a hammer and smaller chisel, and the other an electric saw.(她递给一个观众一把大锤和一把大凿子,又递给另一个观众一把小锤和一把小凿子,再递给第三个观众一把电锯。)
I only called you up to show the sledgehammer is real!(我只是叫你上台证实大锤是真的!)
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