英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:53:35


英 [ʃpi:l]

美 [ʃpi:l]



名词: spieler 过去式: spieled 过去分词: spieled 现在分词: spieling 第三人称单数: spiels

  • 英英释义

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1. plausible glib talk (especially useful to a salesperson)

Synonym: patterline of gab



1. speak at great length (about something)

2. replay (as a melody)

e.g. Play it again, Sam
She played the third movement very beautifully

Synonym: play

1. (常指招徕生意的)叫卖词,推销套话
Someone's spiel is a well-prepared speech that they make, and that they have usually made many times before, often in order to persuade you to buy something.

1. spiel的反义词

1. 演说:spiel off 流利地讲 | spiel 演说 | spieler 招揽顾客者

2. 信号处理联机工程语言:镜铁 spiegel | 信号处理联机工程语言 SPIEL | 管子公扣端 spigot end of pipe

3. 演说/故事/饶舌/喋喋不休地高谈阔论/演奏音乐:spiegeleisen /镜铁/ | spiel /演说/故事/饶舌/喋喋不休地高谈阔论/演奏音乐/ | spieler /招揽顾客的人/专事欺诈的人/商业宣传员/

  • 经典引文

  • His spiel took in Freud, Heine, Wagner, Goethe in Italy.

    出自:S. Bellow
  • The guides..spieling away about history.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He gave me some spiel about a computer he had for sale.(他极力向我推销店里卖的一台电脑。)
That salesman had a good spiel, he sold many dresses in one hour.(她妻子能在半小时内变戏法似地做出一顿美餐。)
He was sure that the line wasn't part of the man's spiel.(他相信这话不是那人固定的揽客介绍。)
The boy can spiel off all the country's names in the world.(这个男孩能熟背世界上所有国家的名字。)
Often the spiel tries to convince you of something.(通常这个演讲是为了努力说服你某件事情。)
That salesman have a good spiel, he sell many dress in one hour.(那个推销员讲话流利又夸张,他在一小时内卖了很多衣服。)
spiel是什么意思 spiel在线翻译 spiel什么意思 spiel的意思 spiel的翻译 spiel的解释 spiel的发音 spiel的同义词