英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:00:08


英 [ˈstægərɪŋ]

美 [ˈstæɡərɪŋ]


副词: staggeringly

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1. so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm

e.g. such an enormous response was astonishing
an astounding achievement
the amount of money required was staggering
suffered a staggering defeat
the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying

Synonym: astonishingastoundingstupefying

1. 令人大吃一惊的;令人震惊的
Something that is staggering is very surprising.

e.g. ...a three-year contract reputed to be worth a staggering £5,000-a-week...
据称高达每周 5,000 英镑的三年期合同
e.g. The results have been quite staggering.

The South Pole expedition proved to be staggeringly successful.

1. 交错:而交错(staggering)价格调整就能在保证名义粘性的基础上进行平滑调整,交错调整是指厂商综合考虑现在价格水平和其他厂商在未来的定价策略所进行的最优定价行为.

2. staggering的翻译

2. 巨大的,令人吃惊的:cyclical 循环的 | staggering 巨大的,令人吃惊的 | get over 痊愈,恢复

3. staggering是什么意思

3. 参差党:staggered circuits 相互失谐级电路 | staggering 参差党 | staining technique 染色法

4. 参差调阶:staggered-tooth double-helical gear 交错齿人字齿轮 | staggering 参差调阶 | stagnant film 滞膜

  • 经典引文

  • The East Lancashire Railway..has attracted a staggering 10,000 visitors.

    出自:Rail Enthusiast
  • Considering the..alcohol consumed..it is staggering he was hardly ever seen out of control.

    出自:M. Coren
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

What are you doing fooling with such a staggering sum of money?(你拿这么惊人的一大笔钱瞎折腾什么?)
Results absolutely staggering.(成绩绝对让人瞠目结舌。)
And the black vote was staggering.(黑人的投票支持率之高是惊人的。)
Bravo company has suffered a staggering 28 casualties in two months, though luckily nobody has been killed.(喝彩连队两个月内出现28名伤员,所幸无人员死亡。)
Past credit decisions have resulted in staggering losses.(过去的信贷决定导致了惊人的损失。)
Overall, the number without homes is staggering.(总之,无家可归的人数是令人吃惊的。)
These aren't staggering finds.(这些并非惊人的发现。)
But the costs to the whole society can actually be quantified and, when added up, can amount to staggering sums.(但对整个社会来说,其成本实际上是可以量化的,如果把它们加起来,可能会达到惊人的数额。)
The numbers are just as staggering for diabetes.(这些数字与糖尿病患病人数同样惊人。)
The size of the industry today is staggering.(今天这一行业的规模令人震惊。)
staggering是什么意思 staggering在线翻译 staggering什么意思 staggering的意思 staggering的翻译 staggering的解释 staggering的发音 staggering的同义词