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更新时间:2024-05-27 14:02:00


英 [əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ]

美 [əˈstɑ:nɪʃɪŋ]



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1. so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm

e.g. such an enormous response was astonishing
an astounding achievement
the amount of money required was staggering
suffered a staggering defeat
the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying

Synonym: astoundingstaggeringstupefying

2. surprising greatly

e.g. she does an amazing amount of work
the dog was capable of astonishing tricks

Synonym: amazing

1. 令人惊讶的;非常惊人的
Something that is astonishing is very surprising.

e.g. It's astonishing, he's learned Latin in three hours!
e.g. ...an astonishing display of physical strength.

Isabella was an astonishingly beautiful young woman...
He was wearing, astonishingly, a frilly pink apron over shirt and trousers.

1. 惊心动魄:}<>(Astonishing)导演:邱礼涛 主演:方中信 钟丽缇 候莎莎 郭斌妮 洪金宝 苏永康 洪天明 李彩桦 黎耀祥 方力申 上映日期:2004年5月13日(香港)/88分{148}<>(Red Rose White Rose)导演:关锦鹏 编剧:张爱玲 刘恒主演:赵文瑄 陈冲 叶玉卿 林奕华 [10/12/94- 18/12/94 9 $1,

2. 年 <<惊心动魄>:2005年 <> Crazyn The City | 2004年 <> Astonishing | 2004年 <> One Nite In Mongkok

3. 可惊异的:astonish 使惊讶 | astonishing 可惊异的 | astonishment 惊讶

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His ability to absorb information was astonishing, but his concentration span was short.(他吸收信息的能力让人惊讶,但他的注意力持续时间很短。)
Human beings will continue to adapt to the changing climate in both ordinary and astonishing ways.(人类将继续以普通而又惊人的方式适应气候变化。)
He can perform an astonishing variety of acts, including mime and juggling.(他会表演的节目种类多得惊人,包括哑剧和抛接杂耍。)
The ease with which she learns languages is astonishing.(她学习语言之轻松令人惊讶。)
Language is the most astonishing behavior in the animal kingdom.(语言交流是动物王国里最惊人的行为。)
Jaguars can move with an astonishing velocity.(美洲豹跑起来速度惊人。)
I find it absolutely astonishing that you didn't like it.(你不喜欢它,我感到难以置信。)
Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites.(它的无线电开始传输惊人的信息,关于卫星的轨道路径,它探测到的辐射量,以及陨石的存在。)
One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom, how little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired how the stories arrived.(其中令人惊讶的发现是丽贝卡·布鲁克斯对她的新闻工作室所发生的事情知之甚少,她很少过问、事实上她从不询问新闻故事是怎样得来的。)
He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.(他因创造了令人震撼的视听效果而出名。)
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