英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:04:44


英 [sti:md]

美 [sti:md]



  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. cooked in steam

e.g. steamed clams

2. aroused to impatience or anger

e.g. made an irritated gesture
feeling nettled from the constant teasing
peeved about being left out
felt really pissed at her snootiness
riled no end by his lies
roiled by the delay

Synonym: annoyedirritatedmiffednettledpeevedpissedpissed offriledroiledstung

1. 蒸的:结果他将我们拉到了一个吃海鲜的饭店,看起来也不怎么地,但是他说这里的海鲜很有名,很高档,结果是呀,价格也很高啊,我们二个吃了一个肉蟹Crab(我们这边叫青蟹)、四个像小青龙一样的虾是清蒸的(Steamed),要了一盘混合蔬菜(mixed vegetable),

2. 蒸:stewed... 闷(炖、煨)... | steamed...蒸... | smoked... 熏...

3. 清蒸海鲜:清蒸桂花鱼 Steamed mandarin fish | 清蒸海鲜 Steamed | 清蒸滑鸡 Steamed chicken

4. 蒸、清蒸:soup汤 | steamed蒸、清蒸 | stir-fry用旺火煸炒

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Steamed dumpling contains low calorie, equivalent to only 70% of the latter, and lower fat and carbohydrate than rice.(馒头热量低,只相当于后者的70%,而且脂肪和碳水化合物比米饭更低。)
I was all too glad to be paid the equivalent of $10 per program and fed steamed pork buns during the taping.(我太高兴了,因为每一期节目能得到相当于10美元的报酬,而且在录制过程中还能吃到蒸猪肉包。)
The ship steamed athwart the tug.(船朝着那条拖船横向驶去。)
Where do you buy these delicious steamed bun?(你在哪里买到这些好吃的馒头?)
These buns haven's been steamed long enough.(这一屉馒头欠火。)
The rice is steamed and is unspeakably delicious.(米饭蒸熟了,好吃得难以形容。)
His delicious steamed stuffed bun quickly sold by the people's praise.(他的美味包子受到人们的赞誉卖得很快。)
Food can also cause fights, as was discovered last week by one passenger who criticized a woman eating steamed stuffed bun on the subway.(食物也可以引发冲突,上周一位乘客就发现了这一点,他批评一位女士在地铁里吃包子。)
As he walked in, his glasses steamed up.(他进去的时候,眼镜上起了一层雾。)
It is first ground into mince and then steamed and rotated in an oven angled like a cement mixer so that the juices run off.(它首先被磨成肉末,然后蒸煮,在烤箱中烘烤;烤箱像一个水泥搅拌器一样倾斜着放,这样可以让肉汁流走。)
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