英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 01:46:12


英 [ˈwɔ:təkres]

美 [ˈwɔ:tərkres]


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1. cresses that grow in clear ponds and streams

2. any of several water-loving cresses


1. of a moderate yellow-green color that is greener and deeper than moss green and yellower and darker than pea green

Synonym: cress greencresson

1. 水田芥,水芥子(长于溪流或池塘中,叶子可作色拉生食)
Watercress is a small plant with white flowers which grows in streams and pools. Its leaves taste hot and are eaten raw in salads.

1. watercress的解释

1. 西洋菜:城大专上学院语文学部首席讲师谢聪赞赏新菜牌绝大部分菜名英文翻译已算正确,但仍有少数如马蹄肉(water chestnuts)误译为西洋菜(watercress). 谢聪说﹕「饮食文化各地都不同,翻译食材菜名绝对不是一件容易的事,很难准确交代,应该小心谨慎. 」

2. 水田芥:果香:开始时那独特的清香有如鲜果雪芭般爽甜滑腻,配以水田芥(watercress)的清凉滋润,格外怡神. 木香:把缎木(Satin Wood)和Warm Skin的天然香味完美结合,散发出一份平和的感性,既具浪漫柔情,亦不失时尚触觉. 香料香:智利辣椒和玉桂的香气活泼跃动,

3. watercress

3. 水芹:这种配制的合成 物可散发出如同信风子(hyacinth)和玫瑰的花香并有一丁点儿水芹(watercress)的青香味, 以及有强烈的青香味. 它的使用量在1~3%之间时,可使受体物产品散发出新鲜而清凉的头香(the top note)香气.

4. 豆瓣菜:turnip 芜菁 | watercress 豆瓣菜 | Accounting Assistant 会计助理

Any of several related plants, such as pennycress and watercress.(菥蓂,水田芥:任一与其类似的植物,如菥蓂和水田芥。)
Extracts from crushed watercress were also shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.(粉碎豆瓣菜的提取物还可以抑制乳腺癌细胞的生长。)
The chicken was garnished with watercress and tiny new potatoes.(这只鸡配有西洋菜和新鲜小块马铃薯来装饰。)
Those with wrinkles or scars are advised to eat spinach or watercress, which contain Vitamin e.(那些有皱纹和伤疤的人被建议吃菠菜或者西洋菜,这些蔬菜富含维他命e。)
Most are paired with a variety of vegetables and greens like arugula and watercress.(大多数都是搭配丰富多样的蔬菜和绿党一样甜和豆瓣。)
So, the study doesn't actually prove watercress prevented cancer in any of the participants.(因此研究并不是真正证实了在任何受试者中都会阻止癌症。)
We feed our group a range of plants including watercress, Chinese leaf and dandelion leaves.(我们为我们的小组提供一系列植物,包括豆瓣菜,中国叶和蒲公英叶。)
There were cucumber and watercress sandwiches, and a peach-coloured cake from Payard.(黄瓜和西洋菜三文治,Payard的桃色蛋糕。)
Today we have very nice greens, cabbage, cauliflower and watercress.(今天我们准备了上好的油菜、菜、菜和西洋菜。)
The salmon was accompanied with a delicious watercress salad.(伴有可口的水田芥菜色拉的鲑鱼。)
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