英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 01:17:40


英 [ˌʌndərˈstʊd]

美 [ˌʌndɚˈstʊd]



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1. implied by or inferred from actions or statements

e.g. gave silent consent
a tacit agreement
the understood provisos of a custody agreement

Synonym: silenttacit

2. fully apprehended as to purport or meaning or explanation

e.g. the understood conditions of troop withdrawal were clear



1. 明白:脑残又出术用600mm配FF恰4/3配300mm,又偷偷地把12MP的FF改到24MP怕PQ在栽相后唔掂,搅咁多野,原来就是因为执住一个大家明白(understood) 的讲法,就是细CMOS/CCD的相机配上镜头时和135 FF比较时的Equivalent 焦距,

2. 了解:- it not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~ | - understood! 了解! | - a wise plan! 明智的计划!

3. 理解:understock 存货不足 | understood 理解 | understrapper 仆从

4. 瞭解:- It not easy being green... (用唱的) 綠皮膚可不簡單喲~ | - Understood! 瞭解! | - A wise plan! 明智的計劃!

Everybody understood except me.(除了我,大家都明白了。)
Trish had not exactly understood his feelings.(特里希并没有确切地理解他的感受。)
Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.(她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果并准备去坐牢。)
It seemed as if she understood them as Dickon understood his creatures.(她了解他们就像狄肯了解他的动物们一样。)
She understood him and he understood her.(她理解他,他也理解她。)
Message understood. Over and out.(消息听懂了。通话完毕。)
She understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients.(她懂得与客户建立密切和谐的关系的重要性。)
Have you never understood?(你还不明白吗?)
She longed to find somebody who understood her problems, and in him she thought she had found such a person.(她渴望找一个理解她困难的人,她觉得他就是这样一个人。)
The continentals have never understood our preference for warm beer.(欧洲大陆人根本不理解我们为什么喜欢喝温啤酒。)
understood是什么意思 understood在线翻译 understood什么意思 understood的意思 understood的翻译 understood的解释 understood的发音 understood的同义词